Difficulty sleeping?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by angry_loner, May 29, 2014.

  1. angry_loner

    angry_loner Fapstronaut

    Hey y'all.

    Is difficulty sleeping maybe a side-effect of suddenly seizing to PMO (atleast in the early stages right after)?

    For the last few nights, I've been less tired than usual and its making me do a lot more work and be productive but it comes @ a cost - Being less tired, I'm finding difficulty sleeping..

    Would this be considered normal? Have any of you experienced this?
  2. CompleteSeed

    CompleteSeed Fapstronaut

    abstaining from PMO can definitely make it harder to sleep. Your dealing with the impulse and cravings as well as the fact that the brain releases chemicals after you orgasm that make your tired.

    So yes a quick O can help you sleep but not nearly as much as the long term benefits of overcoming PMO and have a more balanced brain and less stressful life.
  3. Geyser

    Geyser Fapstronaut

    Insomnia can be a withdrawal symptom of quitting PMO. I've been losing sleep for about 2 weeks now. It started gradually but now 4 hours is good me. Unlike you though, I am always tired.

    Sounds like you are losing sleep, if you can even call it that, because you have more energy from not masturbating. Before you quit, you were draining your energy levels through masturbating. Now your natural energy levels are starting to emerge. Not everyone needs 8 hours a night.

    I find it interesting that we are at opposite ends of the same spectrum. We are both sleeping less but for 2 very different reasons. Yours is self explanatory. Your body has more energy so needs less sleep. While mine is probably due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. Years of masturbating at night/very early morning zapped my energy and allowed me to sleep. Now my body has become so accustomed to the masturbation that without it I can't stay asleep. I'm not even sure this makes sense.

    Yours I understand. You will probably level out over time once your body becomes used to its own natural energy levels. I've been trying to understand my problem since it started.

    I would enjoy the extra energy while it lasts and be as productive as you can.

    Hope this helped you more than it helped me. I'm still at a loss as to my problem.

    Stay strong and strive to achieve,
  4. TakeAMinute

    TakeAMinute Fapstronaut

    I have restless leg syndrome that is connected to my masturbation urges - a quick O every night would settle my leg down enough to get me to sleep. I hope you can work out something to help you sleep, as it's rather useful for life.

    Just to let you know that yes, other people have this problem too and everyone is different.