Edging like hell

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by blakesplay, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. Hey guys,

    Dont really post often here but I need some help/advice ASAP, edging like a motherfucker on day 39 and dont know if I can stop. Anything you guys would do at this stage.

    Shit has been going on for a few days and its been escalating more and more. I know I should just walk away from the computer but I need it for work. What do you guys suggest?

    Also a lot of stress has come up lately, which is probably causing my compulsion to look at pics. Needs to stop now.
    KingRecover17 likes this.
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Edging is even worse than PMO becuause you have got dopamine flooding your brain for hours at a time. If you go to www.yourbrainonporn.com I am sure I read that there. Stop edging! You need to reset, because you are not rebooting, your are reinforcing your addictions.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2015
  3. Shai_Halud

    Shai_Halud Fapstronaut

    What he said. Edging ALWAYS leads to relapse, and even if you resist you give yourself the dopamine shots you are trying to reduce. I know it's hard, I've edged a little this steak as well. Good luck. M
    KingRecover17 likes this.
  4. ds112358

    ds112358 Fapstronaut

    Agree with both replies here. Once you start edging, it only gets worse. Your brain starts making irrational excuses to relapse. Also edging causes a hell of a dopamine rush, which is what you're trying to avoid during NoFap. Just don't do it, man.
  5. madmax1

    madmax1 Fapstronaut

    Maybe go on a date or to a club and find a girl to have some fun with?
  6. Thanks for the responses guys :)

    I know the physical effects of edging, but it's one of those things that you know is wrong, but you do anyway just to get the thrill out of it. I'm going to avoid being around the computer alone like the plague, only do necessary work.

    Luckily have not relapsed due to quick thinking and cold showers though, gotta keep going, too far now.
  7. Just don't do it!
    Do not Edge!
    you have got to learn to get past the turn on thing so you can get to the more fun parts of being a non masturbator!
    Just decide today to do better and let me know how it goes.
  8. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I do not see how you can say you have not relapsed. You have been masturbating (but not to orgasm) for long periods of time. Don't tell me that you have done with without running sexual images in your mind - your own porn collection you carry round in your head. In terms of this challenge - rebooting the neural pathways in your brain, you are at 0 hours.
    Lazarus Shuttlesworth likes this.
  9. Alexander_D

    Alexander_D Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't reset bc it still takes a lot of determination to not o once you start. That's good progress from full blown pmo, even if it does delay recovery.

    And a certain level of edging is impossible to avoid once you've got a boner. Would be scrupulous, discouraging nonsense to reset.

    Not to mention the fact that couples have sex all the time- a guy doesn't then say 'omg, I've created a dopamine avalanche - now I have to fap!' Lol, bs
  10. Geyser

    Geyser Fapstronaut

    Couldn't disagree with you more Alex07,

    Edging is the worst thing you can do. All it does is give you a cheap thrill and then set you back to hour 0. As long as your brain gets its desired dopamine you stay addicted. It doesn't care if it's from masturbation, pornography, sex with a partner, or edging. The cycle has not been broken. Hard mode, though unpleasant and extremely difficult is the most effective and likely path to kicking the addiction for good.

    You may still be able to move forward if you edge, but it will take much much longer. Why drag this out if you don't have to?

    Just some food for thought,
  11. IGY

    IGY Guest

    "A certain level of edging is impossible to avoid once you've got a boner". Surely, this assertion is pure rationalization. Evidently, it IS possible to avoid edging altogether. Many have <<no edging>> as part of their reset criteria and have succeeded for weeks and months (or indefinitely to a full reboot). @blakesplay can chose to reset, or not. That is HIS choice. But I do not think it is respectful to hundreds of others on this site to label one of those choices as... scrupulous, discouraging nonsense.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2015
  12. SirReginaldWittberg

    SirReginaldWittberg Fapstronaut

    I haven't touched myself or looked at porn at all . But sometimes it does feel like my head is getting a dopamine rush.. Is that just a withdrawal symptom?
  13. tryingreallyhard

    tryingreallyhard Fapstronaut

    I feel you brother. I'm frantically looking at this site tonight to keep me from blowing my streak. This 7 days is the longest ive been since middle school
  14. Alright guys, status update:

    It's been a good week since I have looked at porn of any kind, and I feel massively better. I don't think edging is completely ruining your streak, putting you back at day zero, however it does put you in a dark place. I'm sure I reversed my progress, slowed it down at the least, but I certainly don't think I'm back to day 7, I just feel too damn good to be at that point.

    Based on my experience, here's my view on edging. Obviously, you should avoid it at ALL costs, walk away from the computer, and don't come back, even if you have work to do. If you start, don't be encouraged that "finishing off is better than edging." This statement is only partly true, its more accurate to say that continuing to edge is worse than finishing. In a perfect world, you would be able to stay away from edging all the time, but as we all know, that world doesn't exist. If I finished every time I edged, I would never have gotten past 7 days!

    So my advice to all of you, just walk away, and stay away from the computer for a couple of days... it helps.
  15. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Well, you asked for help and advice. I guess you can choose to ignore it, but it does beg the question - why ask in the first place?
  16. I didn't choose to ignore it, from your post, I saw that you said that I was at day 0 anyway, so I should just fap(what I interpreted not directly what you said). From my past experiences, when I fapped to porn I ended up going on only a couple of days and then failing massively, and this process would repeat for the next week or so.

    I remember one situation where I was at 14 days, and was edging... I thought "fuck it, I already failed anyway, might as well fap." Next thing I knew, I was at 0 days, with 3 consecutive faps to pornography in one day. That week had to be the worst in the history of my journey, and I did not want to repeat that.

    So instead of going to completion, I took the motivation from all of the other posts and just walked away. I asked for support, and this wonderful community gave it to me.
  17. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Well, your interpretation was completely incorrect. I have never told anyone to just masturbate in any circumstance or for any reason. :mad: This is your addicted brain warping and manipulating the good advice of others for it's salaious ends. :rolleyes:
    blakesplay likes this.
  18. Haha thread revival, this brings back some memories.

    Yeah I can see that now, addiction can seriously change the way you view everything, I guess I just really wanted to hold on to that streak. Back then I though day count == recovery. I've since learned the two are very mutually exclusive.
  19. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Well, that's progress man. When you have just had a setback even crumbs are comforting Blake. Go on now, kick ass! :)
    clearmindd likes this.