What about life?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Mar 12, 2017.

  1. Fapstronaut@day35 here.

    So I have made nofap commitment for life, does that mean I cannot ejaculate during sex or even make babies?
    Or is it more to do with the psychology of it. Not having urges to PMO. Just living clean , having wonderful sex experience and not indulging in PMO after that.
    Please clarify.
  2. Big_Boss

    Big_Boss Fapstronaut

    No PMO = normal mode. Sex allowed.
    No orgasm = hard mode.

    You could try a 90 day challenge in hard mode. If you complete it, go for normal mode after those 90 days. It's a good option and that's what I'm doing.
  3. Capt.

    Capt. Fapstronaut

    Humans have an innate need to procreate. That's why P has such a strong hold on us, because our brains think we're having sexual encounters with multiple women (a jackpot for the primal part of our brain).

    Now just because you've committed to PMO, that doesn't mean that you have abstain from sexual encounters for the rest of your life. That's just silly. PMO shouldn't have that power over you where you are wondering if you'll have kids because you've stopped watching P. In fact, it should give you the resolve to do whatever you want to do because you WANT to do it rather than a series of chemical releases dictating your behaviours.

    But getting to that stage is quite a challenge and can be very difficult. Following the advice posted above is a good way to get there. But the end goal of NoFap is in the name: to stop fapping. Nothing more, since its PMO that's tremendously destructive and not our sexuality.
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