New to NoFap and Starting off

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Paradox, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. Paradox

    Paradox Fapstronaut

    Hey Guys,

    Just came across this forum / support group and found it really great. To know many guys out there facing such challenges and trying to get out of it kinda makes you feel that you are not alone. Sort of makes it easier to get through this.

    I am a 33 y/o guy , who started wanking since I was like 13, and have been heavily into it sinc then. I M&O regularly - on a daily basis , and it became a daily routine & habit for me to M&O aside from the times brought on by other factors such as stress or temptation. I don't really have an issue with pornography, which doesn't really interest me , although I do glance at the occasional pix and videos.

    I started giving up M&O hard , and I'm into my 84th day ... 6 more days to my 90day milestone. It isn't my first time giving up, and the previous round was also M&O Hard for about 3 weeks. But gosh when I relapse with was kinda binge for the few days. I am surprise that I've survived for this long, and I seriously do not know how I made it through especially the first few months where I struggled alone.

    Been a really tough journey this past 2 plus months, and have been on the edge quite often (especially recently). I do have an accountability buddy/friend who confided that he shares the same problems, but unfortunately he resetted 70 days into it. I was looking forward to have a little celebration for hitting 90 days together.

    As i near by 90 days , I'm wondering what should I do.. give myself a reset ( that sounds stupid) or to carry to a new challenge (the most obvious).

    I'm also fearful that in the coming 5 days.. i will reset. Kinda makes the past 84 days a waste if I do that.

  2. Alexander_D

    Alexander_D Fapstronaut

    Congrats m8. Celebrate @ 90 and forget the counter after that, just carry on with self-respect and respect of others.

    (unless you preferred your 20yr addiction lol)
  3. Geyser

    Geyser Fapstronaut

    I am seriously impressed Paradox,

    84 days is beyond my wildest dreams. And that is where I am keeping it. I know full well if I fixate on it I will never achieve it. I have a habit, a bad habit, of setting my personal bars to high to reach and then crashing and burning, when I do fail to reach it.

    Do you have any advice for us guys and gals struggling in of first month? I wish I cold put some kind of game plan together, but I find my urges, my desires, and my moods change from day to day. Or even within the same day. So I am at a lost of what to expect or how to cope until I am faced with it. My failings seem to be more emotional than physical. I have strategies to deal with my physical urges that have served me well so far. My emotional urges are another story. They seem to be a whirlwind of chaos and dysfunction.

    I am sorry for the slip of your AP, but use his mistake to spur you on this last week. The victory may not be as sweet without him/her, but it will be sweet enough. Again congratulations, you are a role model for us to aspire to.

    best Wishes and Continued Success,
  4. Paradox

    Paradox Fapstronaut

    Hi Geysey.

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. I never thought reaching 90 would be a big deal , until I came here and saw how many struggled beyond the few days. In reflection, aside from this time, and the previous 3 weeks, it was failure of a day or 2.

    How I got beyond the first month. I am a practising catholic, and decided to give up M&O during the holy month of Lent, where catholic are all actively giving up something or the other, and increasing their prayer life. It was a good place to start.

    So sorry that my tips are heavily skewed towards my faith, but nevertheless, I'll outline how it went.

    I started off going for confession and thereafter resolving that I needed to take charge of my sexual life. It was something that I've been doing for 20+ years and hardly made an attempt to stop . Being in the season of Lent, perhaps it was easier. Aside from giving M&O up , I was fasting and prayer helped alot. There were times, where I was just pleading to God for strength and perserverance to carry it on . On top of that , I offered the "suffering" of Cold Turkey, as a form of penance and sacrifice , uniting it with the suffering of people around the world, and that of Christ on the Cross.

    As i neared easter, it gave me something to look forward to . Easter Sunday, when I could revert back to normal life. But then again , if I did so , everything I did during lent would be in vain . Lent was a time not only of self sacrifice, but of change. To leave behind my old self and to "resurrect" in Christ a new me. If i had resetted, it would have been in vain .

    Post easter sunday was a lot tougher. You are right with the mood swings. Together with the crisis I was in earlier plus the withdrawal symptoms my friends noted that I was moodier and grumpier. (of course no one knew that I gave up M&O as well) I guess it was something that I had to just ride out, and it took about 4 - 6 weeks to get over that. During lent, I had a more focused objective and a more self sacrificing objective.

    I guess for those who are not religious, similar practices could be adapted.. Meditation, channelling the energy into something positive such as community service and etc. Somehow selfless sacrifice motivates me a lot more

    Hope this helps.

  5. Paradox

    Paradox Fapstronaut

    Well .. Its day 93 since i've started off my Challenge. Quite happy that I've reached the 90 day goal, but kinda sad that I've no one to celebrate it with. Lately for the past few day's i've not gone to the edge as well .
  6. Jalus

    Jalus Fapstronaut

    Way to go sir! Every success story like yours is hope and encouragement for the rest of us in the trenches. Even if you've no one to celebrate in RL, please know that everyone on this forum would most likely give you a warm smile and a pat on the back if they could.

    Perhaps now you should think about setting a new goal for yourself, like not edging?
  7. Paradox

    Paradox Fapstronaut

    Thanks Jalus.

    Tomorrow will be Day 100 .. - One day at a time.. One day at a time .

    Although I can say, I think less about it now (although there are instances of urges and temptations), but it is less on my mind. With that less of the frustration and the so called "hornyness" .

    Perhaps the brain is now re-adjusting itself and refocusing on what is necessary .

    Celebrate with me for 100 Days ...
  8. Paradox

    Paradox Fapstronaut

    So today , I celebrate 100 days no M&O, hard mode. Not bad really.. I think less of M&O and of sex.
  9. Paradox

    Paradox Fapstronaut

    Just increased my target - and now going for 150 days.. wish me luck
  10. Vavavoom

    Vavavoom Fapstronaut

  11. Paradox

    Paradox Fapstronaut

    You know guys, seriously . after passing the 90 days mark . things have gotten alot easier. My first 3 - 4 weeks was the toughest, and my mind was frequently on it.
    Over time, as I got close to the 90 day mark , it helped alot that i kept on telling myself that I did not want to waste that X number of days i've stop fapping , when I'm so near that goal .

    Passing the 90 days.. oh well .. the thougths do cross my mind, and temptations do come by , but it is a lot easier to handle.

    So guys.. try to keep to your 90 days. It works..