Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by WeShallNotFap, Apr 28, 2017.

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  1. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    There is no one 'human nature'. It is what we make it. You start with the raw materials and create something. This is the point of life.
    Nisarg Damodara likes this.
  2. Jonasvw

    Jonasvw Fapstronaut

    I don't think masturbation is human nature. How come we are the only specie of the world animal kingdom who are doing it?
    I'll say you , that masturbation is the devil itself! how many people are getting addicted to that fucking rush. This thread is fucked up also, thinking masturbation is okay. There shouldn't even be a discussion about this, look at the forum name and where it stands for..
    Matrix Intel likes this.
  3. papaG

    papaG Fapstronaut

    The reason why most of us are here is because we dont wanna masturbate anymore. Fapping is all about getting a quick fix. In the long run anything brushes against your crotch and you bust a nut....
    Matrix Intel likes this.
  4. Nisarg Damodara

    Nisarg Damodara Fapstronaut

    How to stop masturbating. Just give some basic tips
  5. You fucking moron, read the entire post. That shit was taken from the About section of this site. Asshat.
    Fap_Doc likes this.
  6. Dataper

    Dataper Fapstronaut

    I agree masturbate is normal until you do it everyday and it takes over your Life , Especially Porm, When you masturbate what do you masturbate to 95% of the Time is Porn the real problem is Porn, at the end of the day Masturbation is not normal.FNO,AON
    Matrix Intel likes this.
  7. Why does society bash purity so much? I AM NOT CATHOLIC AND DO NOT WANT TO BE A PRIEST AND AM NOT A PEDOPHILE. Is there something wrong with purity?
  8. It may come natural to humans but not everything that comes natural to humans is good for them. Eg. many people have a natural urge to kill someone if they get really upset by them, does it make murder right? No.
  9. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    What we crave is sex.
    Why do you think you get rewarded so good from masturbating? You're rewarding youself for doing nothing. Sex you need to go out and get it (Im not talking about paid sex)
    Man With No Name likes this.
  10. BeautyForAshes

    BeautyForAshes Fapstronaut

    Because nowadays, nobody wants to be alone. If you're celibate, they'll assume you're to lame to "score". But, we know that's not true.
    Matrix Intel and Deleted Account like this.
  11. Exactly. It is a dumb way of thinking.
    Man With No Name likes this.
  12. BeautyForAshes

    BeautyForAshes Fapstronaut

    Good man. Don't let anyone influence you.
  13. I won't. Thanks.
  14. BeautyForAshes

    BeautyForAshes Fapstronaut

    I'll merit your confidence.
  15. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Are you sure that's true? I seem to have read things from time to time mentioning other animals masturbating.

    Not that I'm endorsing it; on the contrary. But I don't see what this proves. Animals do lots of things humans don't, and we're all pretty happy about it, I think.
    Man With No Name likes this.
  16. Man With No Name

    Man With No Name Fapstronaut

    I concur. And monkeys do fap. Sometimes in public. At the zoo.
    Matrix Intel likes this.
  17. Man With No Name

    Man With No Name Fapstronaut

    I like the insights guys. Debunking the healthy masturbation notion.

    Keep pummeling it. Great stuff.
    Matrix Intel and Deleted Account like this.
  18. Man With No Name

    Man With No Name Fapstronaut

    Obesity is normal in America too.
    ivanhoe and Matrix Intel like this.
  19. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    Very good observation, IMO.

    As for the animals who jerk off question. I don't think there any many animals at all that are shown to jerk off in the wild. In zoos, it may be different, but that is an unnatural environment. The only animal I've heard of jerking off is the Bonobo.

    That being said and you may think it's tin foil hat there is a movement to encourage and legitimize lascivious behavior part of it is lying about the behavior of animals. The whole gay animals things is a laughable pile of crap, and they even go so far to claim that the old zoologists and programmers of nature tv shows were hiding the hidden homosexuality of animals.

    A good example of this fraud is the claim of gay lions. Lions are not gay, that is absurd. I don't expect you to just believe me so I'll explain. A lion dry humping another male is not gay sex it's an instinctive reflex of an animal that mates every 20 minutes or more when the female is in heat. A lion has a barbed penis [ I believe all felines do] the pain from this is likely why the female claws the male to pieces when he has sex with her [ the barbed penis would likely tear up the anus and kill the other animal[ due to infection from cuts] not that anal ever happens, they just claim some dry humping without orgasm is sex]. A male lion doesn't eat while the female is in heat[ I assume he would starve if the female was always in heat and lions would be extinct] Watch a male lion have sex and orgasm with a female and tell me you think a bit of dry humping is sex[ big difference]. Having been around animals for much of my life the lie of gay lions is so absurd to me. Anyway, point is don't believe everything you hear about masturbation and other sexual behaviors it's not all true.
    Last edited: May 4, 2017
    ivanhoe likes this.
  20. Mad bro? lol
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