***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

    1. I'm grateful that I was able to wake up early today.
    2. I'm thankful that I was able to challenge myself to study more.
    3. I'm thankful for the meaningful conversation I had with an old friend.
  1. a. im grateful for sleep
    b. im grateful that ive become more patient than i used to be
    c. im gateful for warm showers
  2. RobH1

    RobH1 Fapstronaut

    So today was a majorly shitty day. I had the energy and motivation of particullarly laid back slug. But despite that I am happy that I got myself outside for a little while and did some pull ups.
    I am grateful that doing nothing today hopefully rechared me fully for tomorrow to get shit done!
    I am grateful for the nice long dinner I had with my mother.
    I am grateful that I worked on some drawings for a little while.
  3. burningmidnight

    burningmidnight Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for the support I had.
    2. I am grateful for the kind words I received for the job I do.
    3. I am grateful for the easiness of the day I had.
    4. I am grateful to have a job for tomorrow.
    5. I am grateful for the warm and pleasant weather.
    6. I am grateful for the $1 dollar subs I got.
  4. goodboy1

    goodboy1 Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful to God today because I woke up alive. I got another day to live my life. Many people go to sleep at night and never wake up...
    2. I am grateful to God that my eyes are still working. I can see this beautiful world. What if i have everything i have ever dreamed of and just loose my eyesight. I would never be happy. These eyes are worth more then trillions...
    3. I am grateful to God that i have no major disease. When i see other people who are suffering from diseases like cancer. I pray to God to cure them and thank God for saving me from that disease.
  5. LoyalKnight

    LoyalKnight Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful that I did not masturbate.
    2. I am grateful that I live in a wealthy country.
    3. I am grateful that I have everything I need, good friends, family, and strength.
    4. I am grateful that I started a fresh streak on the 1st of May.
    5. I am grateful that I banned any kind of online dating from my life!
  6. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful that I am able to start exercising again. even though I have to avoid putting pressure in my arm I can go for a run now. It´s nice to move the body and breath the air from outside;
    2. I am grateful for meditation. I´ve been more consistent now. It helps me a lot to quiet the mind and tap into my inner self;
    3. I am grateful that I am a kind and sensitive human being.
  7. Wise_Paragon

    Wise_Paragon Fapstronaut

    Don't know what events mind unfold today. But for whatever happens I am grateful.

    I am grateful for:
    This beautiful day: I absolutely love waking up on mornings like these. Bright sunny morning, breeze coming through the window. A picture perfect day. Always gets my day started positively.
    The job I have/had: I fear the end is near today but i'm not entirely sure. Even so I'm grateful for my job for helping me get through school, with my wacky schedules and never giving me any problems. If this is my last day I'm grateful it's on this beautiful day. Because when I leave I'll have the day to look forward too.
    Opportunities that lie ahead: I'm a rather optimistic person and I believe other doors will be open for me exactly when I need them to be. Doors that will take me to greater heights and lead to a better life. I'm grateful to have a future.
    1. I am thankful for loss. It teaches us we do not control things, the law of impermanence reigns supreme in this world.
    2. I am thankful for gain. It allows one to give freely to others and be a source of joy. Philanthropic ways become possible with abundance.
    3. I am grateful for @BushidoWarrior starting this thread. I think I will get active in one if his other challenges today.
  8. SheMonk

    SheMonk Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful for having had a super relaxing day, just watching good stuff on Netflix and eating pizza.
    I'm grateful for spring weather finally arriving!
    I'm grateful for having the courage to stand up for myself and tell what's what.
    I'm grateful for having an understanding boss.
    I'm grateful for having found the habit tracking app Habitica. Very fun, so far!
  9. Alyx87

    Alyx87 Fapstronaut

    I'm thankful for feeling sore. It reminds me that the gym visit yesterday was worthwhile and I did a good job. It reminds me of tomorrows workout which is a positive thing.
    I'm thankful for my mobile phone. While it's just a thing, I enjoy using it. It's a remarkable piece of engineering.
    I'm thankful for having my parents around. They will always listen to me. They give my more boring days purpose - I cook for them and have interesting discussions with them.
    1. I'm grateful for the awesome weather.
    2. I'm grateful for the amazing cold shower I had in the morning.
    3. I'm grateful for knowing how to write and red.
  10. LoyalKnight

    LoyalKnight Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful that I did not masturbate
    2. I am grateful that I had an awesome day
    3. I am grateful that we fight together!
    4. I am grateful for the awesome people here!
    5. I am grateful for my morning workout, cold shower and finished homework/studies today!
  11. RobH1

    RobH1 Fapstronaut

    I am grateful that the wether allowed for me to go skeelering.
    I am grateful I managed to get a lot done today in preparing for my exams.
    I am grateful for the fact that I am really tired by now and will sleep like a log.
  12. MrCharacter

    MrCharacter Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for Kyle Cease. Kyle is so funny and inspirational.
    2. I'm grateful for this moment. This moment is all there is.
    3. I'm grateful for the DVD. The DVD has added more sound in the room.
  13. burningmidnight

    burningmidnight Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful to have the day I wanted.
    2. I am grateful to have so many nice conversations tomorrow.
    3. I am grateful to have a break from volunteering.
    4. I am grateful to the great lunch and dinner I ate.
    5. I am grateful to have a job tomorrow.
    6. I am grateful for the warm weather as well.
    7. I am grateful to have Spotify premium where I can have unlimited access to music.
  14. a. im grateful for classical and jazz music
    b. im grateful that i still have another of something i've lost. lol
    c. im grateful for the things i am blessed to have
    1. I'm thankful to my mentor.
    2. I'm thankful for the wonderful friend who always support me.
    3. I'm thankful that I'm alive.
  15. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for this gratitude chalenge. It teaches us to be grateful instead of taking things for granted. the minute we start taking things for granted is the minute we stop taking care of those things...is the time we stop taking care of ourselves;
    2. I am grateful for the oportunities that have been sent in my direction. it´s up to me to see which one of them suts me better;
    3. I am grateful for for my commitment to myself. I want to be hwo I am suposed to be in the first place.
  16. Alyx87

    Alyx87 Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful for the rain. It may not be pretty but nature needs it and when it's gone, we'll have a beautiful sunny day with blooming nature.
    I'm grateful for dreaming about my ex. It helps me understand what I did wrong and where I need improvement even if it leaves me waking up in a sour mood.
    I'm grateful for the work that I had today. It's not much, but it gives me a purpose every morning.