***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. First of all, I would like to apologise for not having felt gratefulness towards the universe these past few days. I was going through some stressful situations, and I didn't really feel grateful.

    Well, I'm back now, and today I really feel grateful for the following:-
    1. The abundance of opportunities, for me to do literally whatever i want in my life.
    2. My parents, for taking care of me, and bringing me up.
    3. A blessed existence, where I have the privilege to have access to anything and everything i need, more or less.
    4. The fact that I can dream, believe and achieve!
    5. The universe, in all its vastness, and its beauty, for giving me so many opportunities
    6. All my life's experiences, good and bad.
    7. The fact that I can change and improve myself, and my life at any point, and that its all under control
    8. Conor McGregor, for being an amazing role model
    9. The Law of Attraction
    10. This challenge, that helps me remember all the things i need to be grateful for :)
  2. mhanson1984

    mhanson1984 Fapstronaut

    Today I am greatful for:

    1. For waking up this morning in a good mood.

    2. Finding this website to help motivate me to change my negative sexual behavior.

    3. All the people who are kind and smile at me through out the day.
  3. SaapKaBaap

    SaapKaBaap Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for meeting a close friend after a long time.
    2. I am grateful for friends who don't talk to me anymore.
    3. I am grateful for being positive.
    4. I am grateful that I am constantly fighting my urges and not giving up. Not giving up August.
    5. I am grateful that I love my family very much, even after a dispute we still forgive & believe in each other.
    6. I am grateful for the friends who are always positive about my life.
  4. BlueDragonfly

    BlueDragonfly Fapstronaut

    I am grateful
    -that even though I'm slightly injured I am still very conditioned in cross country
    -I am on the cross country team and have a great way to spend my time with people
    -I am not living in a war zone... yet.
  5. jabberwocky96

    jabberwocky96 Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful because my mum came home safely after travelling.
    I'm grateful for my loving family.
    I'm grateful for friends who care about me and listen to my problems.
    I'm grateful for Marcus Aurelius.
  6. El Doctor

    El Doctor Guest

    1. I am grateful I woke up this morning and went to class.
    2. I am thankful I ate a meal prepared by my aunt.
    3. I am thankful that I am continuing to improve my headspace and overall quality of life.
  7. mybirthdaypresent

    mybirthdaypresent Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful to finally finish my final test. It is really relieving.

    I'm grateful to have family, friend, and people who love and support me. I'm trying to be the best I could for all of them.

    I'm grateful to myself, to the self-realization that I have been wasting my time and chances to something that I can't get, instead MOVING ON and finding something that I can.

    and finally,

    I'm grateful to FEAR. To the discomforting feeling that surround me in certain situations. This is a given test for me, to get out from the shackle that always binds me. After all, the true test of life is to overcome yourself, to be slightly better than your previous self. And I'm glad that I'm still eager to follow that path. So grateful..
  8. Anonymous101_

    Anonymous101_ Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for glow on my foreskin because of nofap.
    2. I'm grateful for completing another day without PMO.
    3. I'm grateful for my new attitude towards beauty.
  9. I'm grateful that I woke up this morning because some didn't.
    I'm grateful that I have a bed and a room to sleep because some people sleep on the streets.
    I'm grateful that I woke up early so that I could start the quietly and peacefully.
  10. Valhal

    Valhal Fapstronaut

    Today I'm grateful for:

    1. Having lots of great food to eat. Bought a lot of fruits today
    2. Having family, friends, neighbors to talk to
    3. Language learning apps - using a certain one a lot right now, works well!
    1. I'm grateful for the awesome week I had when my friend came to visit. That's the most consecutive days of socialising I've had in close to 3 years, and it was a welcome break from work too since I took the week off from making videos/replying to comments/messages etc.
    2. I'm grateful that I've survived 25 years on this earth as of last Wednesday :)
    3. I'm grateful that I was able to use this past week as an opportunity to do a bit of a mini-cut. I'm not sure how much fat I lost, since I lost like ~3lbs of total weight and most of that is going to be water weight, but going by my calorie estimates I'd guess I lost anywhere from 0.8 to 1.5lbs or so of fat.
    4. I'm grateful that the mini-cut is over now though and I can enjoy more food again.
    5. I'm grateful that it's back to working out now. I decided not to do any workouts on my week off, mostly because I didn't want my friend to have to sit around while I'm working out (since I work out at home it's not like he could have got a workout in too at the same time) but also because I hadn't deloaded in a while. Today I'll be back working out for the first time, so I'm excited.
    6. I'm grateful that my old Facebook account is deleted now, so I can finally start a new one and have a bit of a fresh start without having to look at all the dumb shit I posted over my drug using years etc.
    7. I'm grateful for the two new albums I bought myself on vinyl for my birthday: Making Movies and Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits. Two of my favourite albums by one of my favourite bands, and they sound great.
  11. av_2905

    av_2905 Guest

    1. I am grateful to have see the solar eclipse yesterday. It was so beautiful.
    2. I am grateful to have the power of making my own decisions now.
    3. I am grateful to have escaped the urge to fap again this morning and went straight to work.
  12. axc18

    axc18 Fapstronaut

    1) I too am grateful to have seen the solar eclipse yesterday!
    2) I'm grateful that my brother and I have been playing Lord of the Rings Online together for almost 7 years now
    3) I am grateful that I'm just over half way to 90 days PMO-free
  13. jabberwocky96

    jabberwocky96 Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful that I could finish the first draft of my novel
    I'm grateful for my little brother who is such a fun and loving human being
    I'm grateful for food and a place to sleep
  14. perseverence24

    perseverence24 Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for this day and being able to make it through.
    2. I am grateful for taking initiative and cooking for my family today instead of them cooking for me.
    3. I am grateful that its my birthday tomorrow I am officially 24 years of age.
    Lions, Valhal, Anonymous101_ and 3 others like this.
  15. vyndaloo

    vyndaloo Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for being healhty
    2. I am grateful for having all I need
    3. I am grateful for music
  16. SaapKaBaap

    SaapKaBaap Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful that I am not alone in this journey.
    2. I am grateful for my father's dentures, he is looking much younger now.
    3. I am grateful for constantly fighting with my mind regarding 'P'.
    4. I am grateful that I didn't gave up today.
    5. I am grateful that I have a friend who is interested in helping me to know more about the field, in which I am trying to get a job.
    6. I am grateful for my best friend who helped me all along when I was really down or when I needed him the most, today he told that he would only talk to me when I get a job. So Lone Wolf from here on.
    7. I am grateful for completing 24 days without any PMO.
  17. mybirthdaypresent

    mybirthdaypresent Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful for distractions. It makes me to train my mind to focus on task and decide what is important for me.

    I'm grateful for beautiful people around the world, who can lift my heart and stole my attention (even sometimes it's distracting. LOL).

    I'm grateful that I'm still continuing on this journey. It is good to know that I have that kind of dedication in myself.
  18. mhanson1984

    mhanson1984 Fapstronaut

    Today I am grateful for:

    1. Having breath in my longs.

    2. For the plants that give me air to breath.

    3. For the earth being just far away enough so life can exist.

    4. For music to help me get through the good and bad days.
  19. Anonymous101_

    Anonymous101_ Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for completing 19 days without PMO.
    2. I'm grateful for all the support from nofap community.
    3. I'm grateful for my beard.