Comments on Profile Post by The human failure

  1. hej då
    hej då
    Forget about will and motivation. It's all bullshit. Think of it rather as a discipline. Motivation and will are gonna come and go. Don't depend on them.
    May 6, 2016
  2. vulture175
    that's depression. lost all motivation. a discipline needs motivation too, not that motivation as we always say. how could discipline work if we see no point in it. it's ok to take antidepressants boy. could u try 4 days with no pmo? i'm honest
    May 7, 2016
  3. hej då
    hej då
    I disagree. Motivation can be a good at the beginning. but what happens when it goes away? You'll fap. When motivation goes away, all you have is discipline.
    May 7, 2016
  4. vulture175
    misunderstood man. that's not the motivation i talked about. it's chemical motivation in the brain of depression which prevents them to do anything. that's why many mental ill people find hard to do even simple things like cooking, washing, walking, sometimes even eating or waking up.
    May 7, 2016