Oct 2, 2017
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Fapstronaut, Male

On a streak of two days Jul 8, 2020

    1. Comebacka2life
      On a streak of two days
      1. Entomorph and Dojokyoto like this.
    2. Comebacka2life
    3. Comebacka2life
      I am back to be honest to myself.
    4. Deleted Account
      Deleted Account
      Thank you for following
    5. sparkywantsnoPMO
      Thank you for the follow.
      1. Atlanticus likes this.
    6. Atlanticus
      Great screen name, guy -- & welcome to the NoFap gang! 7 years is "average," so no xtra stress, please (an anecdotal, not statistical est.)! The1st few days r often the most intense 0-10 days)... distraction being 1 useful technique. Good habits (sports, nature walks, meditation...) work 4 many 2 to fill the ex-PMO void. 4 me, the long term the real key is to develop more wholesome & constructive ways to b. Success!
      1. Comebacka2life likes this.
      2. Comebacka2life
        thank you
        Oct 2, 2017
      3. Atlanticus
        There is quite a lot of combined experience and even wisdom on the NoFap site. The more we explore, especially the forum threads (you can search by key word), the more we learn; the more we participate, the more people notice, recognize, and can offer support with what we're going through. Good luck!
        Oct 2, 2017
        Comebacka2life likes this.
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    08/07/2020I am here after a long time. Once again to try. I am addicted to pmo for more than ten years of my life and I intend to change it now. It would had been very good, if I had quit it the first time I used nofap,which was more than two years ago.
    I have masturbated four times in the last 24 hrs. I haven't slept well last night, all I was doing was surfing porn & youtube videos of actresses. I slept at 1 am after watching porn for more than three hours. And I tried to search specific types of it to get aroused. I have found myself way past of normal porn. When I got up at 8 am, again I started watching porn only to fap till death. I don't care about my career, personality or relations. I don't give a shit to anything beside watching porn and masturbating. Just after ejaculating the prefrontal cortex gets activated and I start worrying for how long I have been doing this? Whether I gonna stop or not. What will I do in life. Many things pop in mind just after ejaculation, which causes stress, frustration & guilt. Also the shame of it gets you into depression. I have forgotten when was the last time I was in conscious state. I have tried many things as of now but nothing has worked. Only one thing which I need to do is keep away my mobile before going to bed and this really works. To keep it in such a place where you can't reach. I am also suffering from lack of enthusiasm, energy & mindfulness. I have also developed insomnia. Despite getting tired all day, sometimes it becomes difficult to sleep.From tomorrow on wards I am going to follow some steps to get rid of it. This addiction has taken a heavy toll on me. Many things are getting affected by it and that's why I want to kick it out like I never got into it. I want to forget the names of all porn stars. I will develop an action plan and follow it.
    As of now my head is heavy due to less sleep and also I don't feel energetic. Let's see the next day how I feel?10/07/2020Sleeping like a child. Feeling good. I had the urge last day but, I kept my calm & watched it go away. After a while I felt a bit of confident. Now I feel like, though it is difficult I can make a streak of 21 days. There will be many ups & downs in the coming days but I have to just let it go. Sitting there and feeling the pleasure of fading, there is nothing like it.
    I have to remind myself of the rule, anyhow I have to follow this. No matter what come, I have to put my mobile in such a place where I can't reach during sleep. Remember the pain & the guilt or shame which comes with masturbation. You can't handle it. It's quite unbearable. Repeat the same mistake once again and all the bad memories associated with it will become alive or fresh. Then again the cycle of oh shit here we go again. Don't do that. Believe in the yourself & the almighty. There are many people out there going through the same shit & many have made it. And so can you.
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