1. Are you a bit fucked? 2. Could you not be fucked? ...

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Carbon Icon, Aug 13, 2019.

  1. Carbon Icon

    Carbon Icon Fapstronaut


    I've been reading this. It's excellent. And funny. It has definitely sold me on the idea of working the 12 steps.
    He has a much more approachable version.

    THE 12 STEPS

    (Russell Brand, 2017)
    • 1. Are you a bit fucked?
    • 2. Could you not be fucked?
    • 3. Are you, on your own, going to ‘unfuck’ yourself?
    • 4. Write down all the things that are fucking you up or have ever fucked you up and don’t leave anything out
    • 5. Honestly tell someone trustworthy about how fucked you are.
    • 6. Well, that’s revealed a lot of fucked up patterns. Do you want to stop it? Seriously?
    • 7. Are you willing to live in a new way that’s not all about you and your previous, fucked up stuff? You have to.
    • 8. Prepare to apologise to everyone for everything affected by your being so fucked up.
    • 9. Now apologise. Unless that would make things worse.
    • 10. Watch out for fucked up thinking and behaviour and be honest when it happens
    • 11. Stay connected to your new perspective
    • 12. Look at life less selfishly, be nice to everyone, help people if you can.
    Start working Here: