16 days in...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by mutantfromspace, Dec 21, 2023.

  1. mutantfromspace

    mutantfromspace Fapstronaut

    Hey there I'm new to NoFap. I'm currently trying to do a no PMO streak for 30 days, and I could really use an accountability partner... Any body else need one?

    I've gone one year without P so I feel more ready than ever to give no M a shot. Longest streak I've done since I was 13 years old is 21 days, and it was almost unbearable. Now it's only day 16 and really feeling the urge... Almost took over a few times.

    I don't think M is wrong inherently but for the last few years experience it gives me a hangover of fatigue and moodiness. But now without it I feel anxiety / restlessness building up. Help!
    Carteret T and Jefe Rojo like this.
  2. drmr

    drmr Fapstronaut

    Welcome aboard! I am new to NoFap too and kind have similar struggle with M.

    My strategy now is to avoid triggers and respond swiftly to urges by distracting myself.
    Also, I am experimenting with a technique I learned from the following video whenever I feel like doing the habit just to min the time and to not reach orgasim.

    Also, I am convinced that M ideally can be practiced in a healthy way each week or so but not for me now because honestly it's out-of-control in my case.

    Based on a similar streak ( about 4 weeks ), things got better with me over time so I was getting it under control until I made a blunder. I meen the anxiety and restlessness may reduce over time.

    Instead of setting hard goals like 90 days NoFap, I am just telling myself to stop for 2 days (all the self-talk etc.) , then I will make another goal of 7 days, then just repeating to reduce frustration when I relapse. So I don't care anymore about streaks but I will do everything in my power to deter relapses. Not sure about this psychological trick though but it was really uncomfortable relapsing about 30 days of no M and the frustration and regret that comes with it worsen the relapse each time.

    Best Wishes.
    Carteret T and Jefe Rojo like this.
  3. mutantfromspace

    mutantfromspace Fapstronaut

    Thanks for this. Great video. I love ted talks like this especially the topics of neuroplasticity and mindfulness.

    I was rly close to M but logged in and read this instead. Do you want an accountability partner for the next 15 or so days?
  4. drmr

    drmr Fapstronaut

    You are welcome!
    I already have an AP and I not sure whether or not I should multiple APs but let's try..