2 yr nofap

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Rexbrent, Feb 8, 2022.

  1. Rexbrent

    Rexbrent Fapstronaut

    2 yrs on reboot hardmode . Can someone help me pls . My brain is still extremely sensitive to any sexual triggers, thoughts and women . Even if i loo at the any skin of women be face hand my brain gets sick, panicked dizzy. Its goin on for 4 yrs . Is it goin to be forever like this
  2. msterling22s

    msterling22s Fapstronaut

    I haven't been on a streak that you have but I have seen some insightful stuff that may relate to your problem and in fact to many of our problems on here... It's natural to have those urges. it just means you are alive and sexually interested in others. We have this M and P problem because all we do when we have any single urge, we fap it out. Which doesn't solve anything as many of us know. So, I think it's just part of our primal instincts. Unfortunately, it's something we can not avoid. Maybe try channeling that extra energy into new hobbies or new activities or work. I respect you so much for being on that journey for so long! I hope one day to do the same!
    here_for_change likes this.
  3. Bob8

    Bob8 Fapstronaut

    2 years on hardmode? i'm impressed, thats quite the mission!

    How old are you? have you thought about dating / getting a girlfriend and having sex?
  4. Rexbrent

    Rexbrent Fapstronaut

    I am 34 bro . As i told you i am not in a condition for dating as i have very hard time even talking to any women bcz i cant look at them , if i do so my brain get sick thn i just feel like shit as my brain is still sensitive to look at them .
    And i have no libido at all and i am not having any urge to have sex or date . But my fuckedup brain still wants to take dopamine shot from thinking about women body or even it takes dopamine from imagining their face. What a shit i am in !!God may punish these porn makers
  5. Bob8

    Bob8 Fapstronaut


    Ok, this wasn't explained, so i didn't know this..

    It sounds like you need some professional help, and talk through some things with a therapist to solve these issues, they are worth their weight in gold when it comes to things like this.
  6. Sounds like you became a normal man again!
  7. Rexbrent

    Rexbrent Fapstronaut

    Does normal sex drive return after the recovery or its just a speculation that sex may not undo the recovery . As we are addicted of neurochemical high , so would any point will come when we will have normal sex control . Any inputs pls
  8. Negan©

    Negan© Fapstronaut

    Tell me this , do you feel dizzy when you experience sexual attraction towards women , like kinda sleepy , like you wanna sleep...
    And also tell your history , how much PMO did you do and for how many years you did it..
  9. Rexbrent

    Rexbrent Fapstronaut

    Not sleepy bro, head buzz , very low scared mode of brain