Like many, I started using porn in middle school. I didn't of it as porn, because it wasn't video or pictures that got me, it was stories. I love books so the stories "worked" well for me and lulled me into an addiction. By the time I lost my virginity (freshman year of college), I had built up such a resistance that I couldn't orgasm with a condom on (very problematic). I was thirty days into a reset (sans NoFap) when I met the woman that is now my wife, and we share amazing intimacy, but I began to use porn and masturbation again as stress built, and my resistance resurged and desire to have sex with now-wife waned. Even worse, sexual thoughts and dreams of other women became prevalent. We were legally married yesterday, and I am about to leave for four months of training with the military, so it seems like an appropriate time to get my shit together. I am committing to no more masturbation or porn (stories or otherwise) and no orgasm from the day I leave until she visits (obviously, I'm an addict, not an asshole). Here's to day 1.
Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you. The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
I have the emergency button on my phone (my main source of porn). And I have enrolled in the academy. What other strategies should I consider.