23 y/o time to open myself!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by WarriorOfThisCentury, Jan 7, 2021.

  1. WarriorOfThisCentury

    WarriorOfThisCentury Fapstronaut

    Hi I am new here on this forum and I have been hiding for too long now!

    I have been using porn as soon as I decovered it on the internet with the age of 13 everyday 2-3 (sometimes even 4 or 5) times, the usual PMO pattern, of course I had some time periods where I stopped for some days or 1-2 weeks, but I really stopped at the age of 21, since I had PIED and I would say that Pornography has so far it destroyed my whole life!
    I have finished the 90 days challenge already getting all my information lurking on this forum and youtube and I've been keeping the addiction for myself for 2 years now, but apparently I think it is not the best idea to do that and I want to start to open myself here, because I think it is important to talk about this topic since it is a serious problem!!!!
    I think there is still much to improve for myself, because I had a relapse some days ago due to stress with university and this whole Corona quarantine thing is just f***** ANNNOYYING!!!!!!!! But I will continue looking to be more disciplined and finding new challenges on this forum (I saw here is a Viking Challenge)

    PS: I tried to make it short :D
  2. The Corona quarantine is annoying, I am in university too. Try to eat healthy and get sunlight everyday it has helped me out alot mentally and physically!
  3. WarriorOfThisCentury

    WarriorOfThisCentury Fapstronaut

    Ok it's just difficult to get sunlight when there is no sun...
    But eating healthy I will do that and I think Vitamin D will help as well!
    John356 likes this.
  4. Welcome pal and great job already! I want to open up and that is often a very important step in the battle against pornography. It's good that you opened up online, but I suggest you to find someone you trust and talk to him honestly about everything. I know it's scary, SO scary, because I felt that way. But if you keep it a secret you will die inside. I kept my addiction to myself for years and that was not life. You will feel SO relieved when you will tell someone about it! You need help to win this battle, and asking for help is the way to win. We're in this together!
    WarriorOfThisCentury likes this.
  5. WarriorOfThisCentury

    WarriorOfThisCentury Fapstronaut

    Hi, I know that feeling.
    I talked already with someone about it and the person, she was actually the reason, why I registered myself here and I would say that telling my problem a trustworthy person, was the best thing I could do in my life, because unexpectedly this person was so supportive to me and I felt so much after better after talking with her!
    Yes you are right we are in this together and we can do this! :emoji_muscle:
    Since when are you into Nofap @Blue Star 44 ?
  6. Great job with opening up! I started fighting my addiction seven or eight years ago. It's been long, frustrating and often hopeless, but I know that if I give up, my life will be more shattered than it already is. I want to be happy, and happiness can not exist with pornography.
    WarriorOfThisCentury likes this.
  7. ruqidefe

    ruqidefe New Fapstronaut

    Last edited: May 26, 2021
    WarriorOfThisCentury likes this.