8 years are enough

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by THJohnFTH, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. THJohnFTH

    THJohnFTH Fapstronaut

    Hello to you all,
    my name is John, I'm 20 years old now. I'm not a native english speaker, so
    I apologize for all mistakes :). When I was 12 I started watching porns and masturbation and over he years it became a big thing in my every-day life. But since I started, every time I felt guilty, guilty of myself and of god, because I'm a christian man. In the last years my horizon expanded and I realized that it also
    deprives me of the power, my male energy and it took down my self-confidence.
    I realized that I wanted to get rid of it, because it's a very good feeling to be content with it. I dont think that god gives us our sexual male energy to watch porns, to masturbate and to get lonely and sad.
    I want to be able to live my sexual life
    as God has ordained for me and get free from this prison of loneliness, sadness,guiltiness and depression.
    FeelingFine likes this.
  2. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    You CAN do it, John. You will get a lot of lies thrown at you about how you can't do it or that certain things aren't so bad to be doing. Stay in prayer, keep your mind focused on Christ, and you will be guided on what is right and what to stay away from.

    Stay strong, brother!
  3. And as a Christian, the sins, even those of failure are forgiven. The Satan lie that you suck can cause a feel good escape to porn. Right in it with you.
  4. THJohnFTH

    THJohnFTH Fapstronaut

    thank you guys! The last time I tried, I got only 5 days, but in these days I felt very good, a lot of energy and selfconfidence and joy. When I failed I was very down, but I don't give up, because I think I got a good motivation to abstaine from PMO.
  5. Good luck John. Remember that the Christian God is the god of forgiveness. You are trying and that is what counts.
    THJohnFTH likes this.