A Budget for meal plans to bulk up.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Gettoffmynutz, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. Gettoffmynutz

    Gettoffmynutz Fapstronaut

    At the moment I am working at a retail store. I am not making much money and I wanted to know if anyone here is in the same boat as I am. I am 28 years old soon to be 29 and I am starting to get the strong urge to bulk up and get lean. I am wanting find out if anyone has any ideas or resources that can help me bulk up on a budget and I am know its real expensive to do so. Especially on budget that is really sparse, and extremely limited. Is anyone in the same boat as I am trying workout on budget while working a menial job at a retail store. I am hoping to get some resources that would or any ideas on what I should do.

    Thank you Guys
  2. needstostop

    needstostop Fapstronaut

    Use calisthenics, you'll get ripped using your own bodyweight and won't need to join a gym, which in my experience is extremely expensive.
  3. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Guest

    Shakes/smoothies are easy to make and can pack a lot of calories for bulking on a budget. They are also easier to digest than solid foods so you can consume more calories without feeling super bloated because your body doesn't have to go through the laborious process of breaking down solid food. I plan on bulking again soon and I'll be doing the shake/smoothie thing again. I gained 60 pounds of muscle back in school for football on a shake/smoothie diet.

    What kind of access do you have as far as equipment goes? Do you have a gym membership? Do you have a gym at home? You can also do calisthenics/bodyweight exercises as needstostop suggested.

    It's also rather difficult to "bulk up" and "get lean" simultaneously. The two don't usually go hand in hand. You either bulk up by adding weight/muscle mass ... then at the end of your bulk you go on a cut to maintain your muscle mass while burning off unwanted fat. The lower your body fat percentage, the leaner you will look. You can do a clean bulk to gain minimal fat while bulking. You can also do a carb cycling diet, which will be closer to what you're trying to do.
  4. Gettoffmynutz

    Gettoffmynutz Fapstronaut

    Dudes thanks for all the advice man.