New Fapstronaut
I have problems that are exacerbated by Adderall and ADHD in general.
I currently am prescribed Adderall to treat my ADHD. XR 25mg. However as much of a miracle drug this has been for it. It's negative side effects have grown.
Long story short it makes me want to look at porn all day. And masturbate as well. The drive to look at porn without Adderall is significantly less but still there but so is my drive overall. This is really really frustrating. I've been on break and haven't masturbated as much(staying with gfs parents) while off my Adderall. And I took my dose this morning and masturbated twice. Hiding it from my gf by sneaking in bathroom or saying I'm going to bed early only to instantly look at porn. Even now I want to. Again. I spent most of this break planning out my goals(NoFap for the whole year being the top one) as well as tons of other enriching and great goals and a few hours after Adderall I didn't care about it at all and only wanted to look at porn.
This really brought me down. First day of the new year. Made me mad enough to make an account and post here. Why can't I stop. Jdksofmek. I have almost no interest in sex with my very willing girlfriend and addiction so bad on Adderall I masturbated three times in the bathroom at work... In 3 hours.
I want to stop taking it but I know my grades will suffer dramatically. I know I'll get the 'ur just lazy lol' but it really isn't true. I lose my train of thought constantly without it. I went from failing my math class 3 times to getting an A because of Adderall.
I don't know if this wall of text makes any sense. But please help me. I just want to stop.
I currently am prescribed Adderall to treat my ADHD. XR 25mg. However as much of a miracle drug this has been for it. It's negative side effects have grown.
Long story short it makes me want to look at porn all day. And masturbate as well. The drive to look at porn without Adderall is significantly less but still there but so is my drive overall. This is really really frustrating. I've been on break and haven't masturbated as much(staying with gfs parents) while off my Adderall. And I took my dose this morning and masturbated twice. Hiding it from my gf by sneaking in bathroom or saying I'm going to bed early only to instantly look at porn. Even now I want to. Again. I spent most of this break planning out my goals(NoFap for the whole year being the top one) as well as tons of other enriching and great goals and a few hours after Adderall I didn't care about it at all and only wanted to look at porn.
This really brought me down. First day of the new year. Made me mad enough to make an account and post here. Why can't I stop. Jdksofmek. I have almost no interest in sex with my very willing girlfriend and addiction so bad on Adderall I masturbated three times in the bathroom at work... In 3 hours.
I want to stop taking it but I know my grades will suffer dramatically. I know I'll get the 'ur just lazy lol' but it really isn't true. I lose my train of thought constantly without it. I went from failing my math class 3 times to getting an A because of Adderall.
I don't know if this wall of text makes any sense. But please help me. I just want to stop.