Advice for cardio exercise

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Daredevil99, May 21, 2016.

  1. Daredevil99

    Daredevil99 Fapstronaut

    So I've started exercise again along with nofap, I'm a pretty skinny guy naturally but I want to get my fitness back as it's bad at the moment I've started doing a home cardio workout but I'm worried I ll just be burning too much as they all say fat loss ect , is there cardio which won't burn fat too much or shall I just eat more ?
  2. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    You need to throw in strength training as well. Strict cardio will just burn fat. You need to eat clean and not just eat more. Like protein, veggies and fruit. Lots of water and get proper rest like minimum of 7/8 hours worth each day.

    Since you are starting better to do full body HIIT circuits that is both strength and cardio.
  3. Cardio is for fat loss, improving circulation, improving lung capacity, improving stamina etc.

    Resistance training (weight training, calisthenics, etc) is for building muscle, improving strength, etc.

    So what are your goals? If you want to grow in size, you need to do resistance training for that - the only muscle you'll ever build from cardio is if you have like zero muscle mass you might go from that to looking a bit less undernourished muscle wise - for anything further than that, you need resistance training. Cardio is more for losing fat and the other things mentioned above.

    If you're looking to build muscle - do resistance training, with maybe a little cardio once a week just to help with circulation etc (although don't do too much, as the more cardio you do, the more you'll have to eat to still be able to build muscle).

    If you're looking to lose fat - do lots of cardio, and maintain a 300-600 calorie deficit in your diet too.

    If you want to keep yourself active and healthy, but aren't intending to either build muscle *or* lose fat, then do cardio, but don't overdo it unless you can afford to eat a whole bunch more. Also, focus on less intense exercise that burns less calories but has similar health benefits - i.e. walking every day for 30-60 minutes will provide great health benefits without a huge calorie burn, whereas a 30-60 minute run every day will require you to up the amount you're eating quite a bit if you don't want to lose fat.
  4. Daredevil99

    Daredevil99 Fapstronaut

    Right now i just want to improve my fitness abit as ive been at university with so much work ive been very sedentary so i may do cardio for a while then move onto weights as well as thats what i usually do.
  5. There are some great apps you can download on your phone to help. So if you want to mix some cardio and resistance training get the 7 minute app. Its a workout app that takes you through 14 30 second exercises in a circuit. The fitter you get the more you can do in a row. The best thing is it keeps prompting you to work out. The idea is to build a streak of continuous days working out. If you miss a day you lose a life, lose 3 lives your streak starts again.