Aggression and productivity

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Upwards2020, Apr 12, 2021.

  1. Upwards2020

    Upwards2020 Fapstronaut

    I'm starting to believe I have a type A personality were I like to get shit done .

    I got diagnosed with adhd and people talk about hyperfocus .

    When I take on a task I enjoy it's getting done I'm aggressive and unless your non combative or submissive your only getting in the way ....that's the fixation I have and the energy . It means I can be highly productive when I get going but unfortunately I'm highly impatience with other people

    Problem is by the end of the day and I've been going around town in my aggressive no nonsense way and I've finally sat down it's like whoa was ready to fuck some shit up .

    And questioning why some random was being passive aggressive or flipping out about something I wasn't even aware of like just standing there

    Jobs I used to do they always tried to pile the work on until I fought back because when I get going I don't stop I used to work 100hour weeks

    I don't know when I am in that zone I don't see anyone don't see there ways especially if there only getting in the way if your calm and non combative I give these people as much space as possible.

    But others who only appear to distract really gets my goat. It's like they constantly want you both to acknowledge and at times it's like you don't even have time for that

    Not sure wether it's this hyperfocus shit type a personality or what

    I'm almost better being lazy at times because then I'm not so aggressive

    At the end of the day your kind of like wtf .

    Your almost better away from others and just graft all day in your own space
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2021