Am I weird for hating when friends talking about going to strip clubs or getting “call girls”

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by John_Pinter, Nov 8, 2020.

  1. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    I consumpt chickens, and well, that is technically worse because the chicken is not offering any service for my consumption, I do it against it's will, humans on the other hand....

    I'm not consuming the person, the person is surely beautiful and unique and I will show the due courtesy that I would to anybody else, is a person, a human, first of all, I consumpt a service provided by said person, big difference.
  2. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    So on one hand you equate the whole situation to consuming a dead animal. Which is kind of misleading. and fucked up.
    Sexuality isn't and will never be a service, in normal services we tend to keep our safe distances from others. We don't let them use our bodies in the most intimate ways possible. As for whether they agree to it or not, I don't think it's even possible to buy a person's consent. The very definition of consent excludes all kinds of material transaction.

    There had been a former escort on Nofap, who admitted how much she saw her 'clients' as disgusting and repulsive. Nonetheless, she forced herself to perform a happy little facade.

    You'd be shocked to hear and read the real thoughts of hate sex 'workers' hold for their 'clients'. There is enough of them to make you ditch the happy prostitute myth.

    Now let me ask you a question , have you ever bought someone's body or consent ?
  3. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Was pointing out we consume sentient beings, not only non-sentient entities.

    Sorry, but history and reality utterly disagrees.

    Another crazy idea alright? The fact of being offering the service and keeping the right to refuse to accept "your order" if they don't want to provide the service to you is already consent itself if provided within the limitations they may impose, I don't know, maybe I'm crazy...
  4. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Not in a sexual way no... felt really tempted a good bunch of times not going to lie.

    Like I care, get another job then... every job have it's perks and it's downsides.
    I forced myself to take some shit at the workplace, we all do.
  5. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    If you take into considerations the environement provided by the sex industry. You'll see it's much more degrading than simply giving a 'service', sex isn't any kind of service: it's one of the most intimate experiences known to mankind. One that has the potential of creating life, and one that releases the so-called bonding hormones. I'm sure you might heard about them.

    Under any given circumstances, you aren't even supposed to tell strangers your name, let alone see you naked and touch you in such a way.
    She did quit thankfully. She entered the sex industry because she suffered from severe trauma, she had been sexually abused as a child. It made her too sexually aware for her age, then she discovered P at an early period. It also made her problems more pronouced. in the end; she became addicted to drugs and became an escort to support her addiction.

    Almost every person who enters the sex trade has broken family backgrounds, and/or history of sexual abuse. So to answer your question, you aren't 'crazy', just stuck in a bubble of justifications you don't want to examine.
  6. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Still a service though.... history and reality beg to disagree... it is a service, and will remain so as long as humans keep being humans...

    Well yeah surely it is, crazy rates some of them have... like woah, if anything stopped my temptation was the idea of being a waste of money.
    You know what also release bonding hormones? Petting my dog... Not so big of a deal...

    Woah a classic, I give you another one, hey, I'm 21, I have no traumas, but I'm very self aware, I'm hot, and actually love the idea of getting paid 150+ an hour while people are swimming in student debt and working their asses of for maybe making half of that in an 8h work day.
    Did I mention I'm actually studying a degree and I will finish it debt free? Feels nice, clients are disgusting but hey, I make in 20h of work what a guy in mcdonalds makes in two months working 160h a month.

    True history.

    Nah, where do you get those statistics from? I will give some credit to the broken family background though, the prior history has it.

    Justifications for what? For saying is a service? And that they offer themselves for consumption? And that you still can see them as humans? That ain't no bubble that is facts.

    Ironically, to my eyes, you are the one treating them as objects, they are human, and they sell themselves for some sweet money, period.

    I mean hell, I would do it myself, sadly I'm a male and not precisely Jason Momoaish, so I would probably go broke. Different trades for me it is.
  7. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Oh please, you don't believe it's true don't you ? Human history is far more broad than what you might imagine. society's most prioritary pillars are union and stability.
    I don't care about any of thos details, because they don't seem relevant.
    Look for yourself, there are associations all over the world where sex 'workers' seek refuge and try to rebuild themselves. But I guess you will not, since you'll probably find facts that contradicts your whole happy-go-lucky version of the whole mess.
    Yes, precisely for saying it's a service: it's not trust me. Giving random people access to your body and sexuality in exchange of money isn't a service, it's another tricky form of exploitation.
    Of course, I'm guilty. Since I don't want anyone to be sold and used as a mere object. Or a lifeless animal for that matter. The lesson is ; to treat someone as human, use their bodies for money in the exact same way you'll buy a disposable object. And later throw it.
    don't be so sure of that, there are many escort boy agencies all over the world. And not all of the men in there are Jason Momoaish. If that's really the lifestyle you wish to pursue, then go ahead and experiement this firsthand.

    What I like in your sentence, is how you are implicitly stating that men are less likely to enter the sex industry. Which is another interesting detail; if the sex industry was that random and spontaneous it will target all the population equally. But since there is a strong distinction, between genders. Then it's surely regulated by another 'type' of objectification bias. Which indicate another deep illness.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
  8. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    But how is it? how if is done willingly?... and nah I don't trust you, it is a service, you don't see it as one, alright, good, but it is one.

    Lmao so I tell you about a case, and even grant you the fact that she has a broken a family as you being partially correct, but when is not shady and depressive as your oh poor me we are so explotaited view, it's not relevant, yeah....seems legit.

    I might actually, I'm interested on checking how much of those have ended there due to drug abuse or to coercion instead of choice, although drug abuse starts as a choice too... anyhow, I like to be contradicted, you know what I love even more? Knowing that both scenes actually coexist, your shady exploitative one, and my "happy-go-lucky" one.

    Nah, I would not even call it a lifestyle. Also I'm quite sure it wouldn't be as effort/reward as my actual endeavours, perhaps years back I would have seriously consider it if the chance had got in my way.
    I would not personally persue it or being attracted to persue it though, money cannot buy everything if you don't sell it. Hence why if they sell it, I don't care what you think, or what reason they have, they are selling the service, and if anyone should be judged is the seller not the consumer, you go after the dealer, not after the drug addict.

    Please, don't even get me started on this one...
    Not everything gets reduced to "objectification" for fucks sake...
  9. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Just think a little bit about it, you are paying to use someone's body for your own sexual satisfaction. It's not any kind of transaction; in this particular transaction the product is the other person's body. Above all, they are reduced to nothing more than a warm sex doll. Instead of a person, whose life and mind deserve to be reocognized and respected.
    You know what I like too ? Is that no matter how much those people earn. In the end of the day, almost no one wants to consider them as life partners. In the end of day, they only represent sexual outlets for those who seek their 'services', and they suffer from emotional starvation. Which is after all, very human. Who wants to live their whole life as a rentable living sex doll ? I guess not even you.
    Right, of course. You are worth much more than that.
    Except it's not a drug we are talking about. It's a person, who litterally sells their body to subsist. For whatever reasons. I don't think they can be compared to a drug dealer. The addiction resides in the transactional control given to the customer, not precisely in the other person. 'johns' , seek this type of 'interaction', because it does give more control over the situation. And it lowers the boundaries for them. They are addicted to nothing more than their callousness.
    So, I'd personally say: stop the demand.
  10. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I'd believe you only if you experience being part of the sex industry; it doesn't really matter to whom you chose to give your 'services'.
  11. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Sure, and I recognize and respect their decision of allowing themselves to be used as a warm sex doll, probably they are very interesting and super insightful people, but that's not what people pay for (mostly).

    Emotional starvation? what?...nonsense...
    And of course no one would want them as life partners with that job, if they completely quit....then perhaps.... although being fully honest...she could be an amazing person, just outstanding, that I would still be concerned about if she is still on business without me knowing. But I think that's more of my own insecurity than anything else.

    You can always stop and go to fucking mcdonals lmao, you say it like if it is a life sentence in a gulag.

    Again, to subsist, NOT NECESSARILY, they are freaking human beings, they have choice...and not always is the case.

    Nah mate, the addiction resides in that I will get my fucking fix and if you ain't selling it to me i will go and buy to some other guy, but if there ain't any guy selling then I cannot get my fact if you start to give me a bad service, as in, bring bad material, i will probably dump you and get another dealer, so the example fits perfectly, say I'm a sadistic son of a bitch and I actually like to check to how far I can push the boundaries.... if I'm not satisfied I will try to find someone else...

    But if no one is selling, then I'm fucked!, Somehow, in this, I'm the one in control, right...
    The demand? It will exist as long as humans exist sorry. In this scenario is up to the dealers to get together and stop selling.

    Don't believe me then, I'm not for selling, and even when I say that, everyone got a price tag and surely I have one too, just it's damn high.
    I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for sex workers...they have what they exposed themselves to, somehow the people paying for what they are willing to sell are the one's to blame, yah.... what about no.
  12. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Allow ?, don't forget all the potential circustumces that drove them into this. but it's another story. Even if they allow themselves to be 'used' like you say, the 'innocent custumer' will be the one using them in the end. He's the biggest profiter of this whole transaction. It wouldn't be him who's getting commodified. Think about this, the person selling themselves had a whole lifestory before ending up this way, they had dreams as children, hopes and ambitions. I'm sure none of it included selling their own bodies.
    Why should you be concerned ? she is after all only providing an ordinary 'service'; you wouldn't be worried if she worked in McDonalds for a living. Since you like to compare this to McDonalds all the time.
    It didn't, this is what I had been trying to tell you since the start. There had been a time in history where this phenomenon didn't exist. A time in early human societies, where life had been built around farming and possibly hunting. Among native american tribal societies as well, there is no record of such a 'transaction'.
    Most of the men who offer their services to women (or men) have a high price tag. It's impossible to find a 'low' price. Since they invest a lot of time and effort in looking attractive. I assure you all your clients will either be rich women or men. If the price is what makes you worried.
  13. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Circunstances circunstances, blabla, all the same again ...
    Biggest profiter lmao.... that's just hilarious...I pay a subtancial hourly rate for something, but I'm the biggest profiter ..
    Do you have any rational argument or is all going to be emotional appealing?, considering they are people I have no sympathy towards...
    I don't care what their lifes were like, I care that they are free human beings with the capacity of choice and choice to do that....

    Because in one is fucking other people, service or not, and in the other is flipping burguers.... was that a genuine question? So fidelity is not a thing anymore? So if I don't give a damn about it being her former job that doesn't matter, me being concerned about infidelity because of it is wrong? Even when I say that probably just steems from my own insecurities? Jesus...

    Nah, I just disagree, is as old as humanity itself.

    Not for sell sorry, just saying that even when I say that, everyone has a price tag, even me, is a form of speech meaning, I'm not for sell, but hey, pay me I don't know... 100 million and I may rise my eyebrow interested. Lmao...
    And I'm not for sell because I'm no goddamn bitch, and as any human being, is my choice as it's theirs.

    Now please stop moaning about people that just got what they cooked for themselves as they are some sort of victims.
    I would steal, scam, do whatever, before selling my body in such ways, but hey, some people take different decisions, and other people are happy that they take those decisions, humanity carries on, and people will argue about this a millennia from now as they have done since always.
  14. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    Yeah, you're weird for hating them if your friends want to go to strip clubs. Are call girls escorts? If they want to get an escort, I won't hate them for it. I just don't see the point of paying money for some washed up woman dancing for you nor for an escort that is just paid to make love with you, but if my friends want to do that I don't complain. I probably wouldn't even get an erection a dumb lap dance because it seems kind of stupid in my eyes. I'd rather use that money for something useful. If they try to invite you, you can always decline their invitation.
  15. blacklabel92

    blacklabel92 Fapstronaut

    im the only boy of 3 sisters so i get it. just how things are, either way ur friends r gna be that way no matter what u do.
  16. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Good, so you want to avoid this kind of situation at all costs because you feel it's degrading to your person. That's very interesting !
    That's also interesting, such a 'work' that induces many issues like infidelity and so on, cannot be an ordinary 'work' after all. It seems that deep down you will never wish to have one of those people as a life partner. Even you stated you don't see anything wrong with 'servicing' others in such a way.

    That's a good beginning to recognize at least one unhealthy aspect of this lifestyle.
    Because I realize this phenomenon isn't the fruit of randomness, it is the calculated result of social conditionning. Of different expectations based on gender, on the way one gender is raised to see it's being as ornamental. As well as heavy sexualization done by medias, and toxic messages since early childhood.
    I don't have the time to dwell into this, and I'm sure you wouldn't be able to clearly understand it.
    It never hurts to try, pick the closest agency for escort boys and take the first step. After all, your only worried are your price tag. And you said you were hot, so I can garantee you will have clients as soon as possible. And of both genders, if you end up successfull during your early months
    Wow, didn't you say you'll treat them with respect and try to seduce them.
  17. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Indeed it is, for me and for anyone, some people do degradating stuff of their own free will nonetheless..

    Deep down? I openly said I would not have a parnet that is actively within that business, and also say that may have one if I know they used to be in the business but they are no longer in it, although I also said that may cause my own insecurities to be wary of infidelity.
    Also what is an ordinary job and a not ordinary job? How exactly do you classify jobs?

    I simply disagree with that, that's just blatantly sexist and stupid, and not entirely true by a long shot.
    Bold assumption saying I would not understand it, when I probably understand it much better than how you do it with that narrow view of the issue.
    Should we also dwell on all that same shit but from a male perspective? Nah... I don't have the time either..
    So let's agree to disagree will you?

    Lmao, First if anything I implied I'm not, by saying I'm not "Jason Momoaish" aka a commonly agreed hot guy.
    Second, I'm not only worried of my own price tag, I personally choose not to do it, because I have no interest in selling my body, I have better talents that being a fucking piece of meat for someone's pleasure, even when it may be a interesting source of revenue, is so hard to get your head around "I wouldn't do it, but hey, if you offer me a fucking ton of money I may even consider it because is not the end of the world"
    Third, the price tag for me taking a male client would be just astronomical, but worse things are done for money in this world.

    Lmao, secude what? when I said that? Respect? Sure, they are human beings, giving a service I would not give, that doesn't mean you should treat them unfairly and try to stretch the bondaries they set and get all nasty and disrespectful as some guys I know do...
    Seduce them? What the fuck?

    And yes, the person may be beautiful and unique, and therefore deserve the same courtesy as anybody else, but you are not hiring them to have a meaningful conservation, but to have intercourse because you like their body, wich is what they advertise, not their personal passions and their desires and what is going on in their psyche.


    In a nutshell, let's see if you get me: It may be something I disagree with, as in, I would not do it, I would not like my partner doing it, but just as many things that I disagree with, it's existance doesn't really bother me, let them do it, and let people who enjoy their service enjoy it, it's their choice, you say if conditioning blablablabla, I say it's their choice at the end of the day, because it is.

    That was my point since the very beginning, why are you people acting so morally elevated and judgemental, instead of showing indiference? Why hating and feeling disgusted for what other one does or does not?
  18. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I don't know, maybe a job that doesn't make anyone some person's fucking meat. That cultivates better talents, and skills instead of raw dehumanization and reduction to solely a sexual role. it's like you said exactly.
    You already did, since the beginning. To you the fact that the other person, and I quote 'chooses' this lifestyle will make you totally innocent; in case you had to buy their 'services'. I think this is what you have been telling from the start, you don't want to see yourself as guilty. That's all I can really tell about you.
    Yes, it is exactly why I believe it's dehumanizing. Ditching the personal passions and their desires, that's is it.
    You say you it's not right to treat them unfairly, but at the same time you qualify their job as being a 'piece of meat for someone's fucking pleasure'. Which seems a very insulting and degrading description for people you don't want to disrespect. and treat them with courtesy like anybody else, I wonder the kind of courtesy you think 'pieces of meat' deserve to have ?
    Weren't you implicitly judgemental when you called women who sell their bodies as 'pieces of meat'. It sounds very insulting, besides being judgmental. I bet you wouldn't want your mother to be seen in the same way, nor even yourself.
  19. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Ok, but let me tell you that the contradictions you have ; both in your mind and writing are completely insane. I couldn't really see any coherent arguments in your messages.
  20. I wholeheartedly agree with @SickSicko on this one. Let them burn. I have better things to care about than these bottomfeeders of society.
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