Angry rant against the rebooting community!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Zerg Prosecutor, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    I have been here for a while now and I finally decided to express my frustration with most of the reboot community.

    First off, I don't know why the fuck so many rebooters think they will become heroes with superpowers after they reboot. Are you that insane guys?
    Do you think that not looking at porn will solve most if not all your problems?
    Do you think you will become the new Einstein, Plato, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Buddha etc? No...? Are you sure? Judging by some of your comments this is exactly what you think will happen to you.

    Take a minute and think about it.
    We are the first generation that grew up consuming large amounts of porn...50 years ago there was no porn.
    So, by your logic 50 years ago the men of that society were all strong, fulfilled, confident , genius alpha males who were flying across the sky eradicating the world's evils with laser beams like Superman.
    Is this the truth tho? Obviously not.

    Also, why the heck are so many people here delusional about depression, anxiety and social anxiety?
    Some of you seem to think this way...
    To you if you have depression, social anxiety and so on it is because of
    I must ask you do you actually know anything about any of these problems? If you make claims like these I bet you don't!
    Did you have a perfect life before porn? Were you always treated right and everyone was nice to you and did you have all your needs met? I bet that none of you did. But you blame it all on porn...sigh.

    And the thing about objectifying women? Are you serious? Do we as a society objectify women as much as you really think?
    Pick up any history book from 20th century under and tell me one single year in that book where women were less objectified than nowadays. I dare you!

    Finally, what is all that fuss about AP, cheesy encouragements and resets?
    Why are so many of you fooling around? Do you think you will live 500 years?
    If you decide to quit porn then do it already, don't mess around resenting your counter 300 times. You might not control your urges but you can control your actions.

    By the way rebooting is only 0.0001 percent of the things you will need to do in order to fulfill your dreams and become a truly happy person with meaning that enjoys life.
    So don't think that if you are rebooting you will unlock the mysteries of the Universe.
    Take conscious control of every single aspect of your life.

    So...there you have it.

    I hope the moderators will protect my right to freedom of speech.
    I used strong language but I did not call anyone any names and I did not harass anyone!
  2. slowhands

    slowhands Fapstronaut

    I'm really glad you're having the chance to write down your feeling but...take it easy, c'mon ;)
  3. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    I'm mad brah :p
    Caveat Emptor and slowhands like this.
  4. slowhands

    slowhands Fapstronaut

    I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. (Voltaire) :)

    You could let some of us down. I mean, there's no scientific support about the fact that people not PMOing succeed in winning social anxiety, depression, mental and physical stress. But I'm one of the hundreds who are actually experiencing these changes. Call it healing, rewire, auto-suggestion but one should be proud to say: "yes, it's happening! yes, I'm changing! thanks to NOFAP COMMUNITY". Had it not existed maybe I wouldn't never have known about how to change my weird habits.

    and alert! maybe in 71 days you'll be a supehero! ;)
    Asgardian36, Ernest, mv8652 and 2 others like this.
  5. James24

    James24 Fapstronaut

  6. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    Asgardian36 likes this.
  7. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    I actually agree about the superpower delusion. I graduated summa cum laude (no pun intended) from college and graduate school - with PMO the whole way - no brain fog, no ill focus, and it amazingly helped with my sleep - it was wonderful. And I never had out-of-the-ordinary trouble getting through interviews and acquiring jobs in my career. I have been quite fulfilled in these areas. I chose recovery now (and before with failures) for purely moral and spiritual reasons and for greater fulfillment and happiness in not having this addiction the rest of my life. I have only been able to pursue recovery competently now since I never had a support group before (my missing piece, among many other important pieces) - and that, perhaps, was a harder-to-find thing throughout history - but there were spiritual guides and supporters back then too - but we have so much more information about recovery now, the bar of shame is lowered and we can meet with other addicts like us, but many of our recovery tools recapitulate ancient wisdom even (we didn't invent them) - modern man has ignored ancient wisdom (often embedded in religion), only to have to discover the same problems and fixes all over again, like the moron that modern man can be.

    Of course, P develops with technology. I'm sure it started with caveman drawings, developed with clay sculptures, and later paintings, went through the printing press era, the 19th-century Sears-like catalogue (ha!), then the video era, then the internet age, and if they ever invent the holodeck as described on Star Trek, what do you imagine will be its first big application- sex, of course. So, this is all to say that PMO has been around since man first MO'd - and even without technology, there was always the real thing available - sex slaves, prostitutes, brothels, ritual sex temples, ancient theatre, postings and sketches in public latrines (ancient and modern), etc., throughout history. So, let's not imagine that this is solely a 21st-century plague - the great men of history had to deal with this, too, as well as the plague of "objectifying" their sex interests.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2015
    Fapsman and Zerg Prosecutor like this.
  8. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    Keep spitting the truth brother!
    Let us all cookie-cutter porn addicts unite for a better future!
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  9. shishirwq

    shishirwq Fapstronaut

    That impressive lecture you have made was the result of 19 days of abstinence from the PMO. If you had continued your old ways you probably would have wanked a couple of times on a sunday afternoon.And laying around like a dumb head looser you would think -whats wrong with me?Sure some ppl just exaggerates their experince here but that is done purely for motivational purpose.So, instead of barking here go do some useful stuff but not before thanking these ppl.
    James24 and NoBrainer like this.
  10. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    Dude relax..nofao has no benefit other than the absence of negative issues caused by fapping.
    The people who report superpowers report them because they've made other changes. When comparing before and after it seems like they've been granted these powers, when they were earnt and used nofap as a catalyst

    There's a lot of fake it until you make it happening, people are affirming for themselves
    Fapsman and slowhands like this.
  11. Any addiction has bad drawbacks on your mental and/or physical health, no matter what addiction it is.
    Some people here might reached the big progress after a long period, and then your topic might demotivate them, take it easy.

    It is true, you wont suddenly get the magic to put everything in the line once you break the chains of the porn addiction.
    But breaking porn habit is the key to make further things for yourself better, pornography is like boundary in your mind which keeps you in certain limits, once you break the bound on your own will you can go and do marvelous stuff if you work for them.
    A lot of people said they had social anxiety and they were shy around the female company, once they made even small progress or either progressed very much .. some of them met new people, girlfriends had many good things.

    Breaking porn habit makes you craving for success instead of addiction, that is why 90 % of people are having only positive, or mostly positive stuff to say about breaking the addiction
  12. CrossGlow

    CrossGlow Fapstronaut

    TC may be laying it on a little thick, but I can see he is well intentioned. I see many people just dumping all their problems on PMO, believing NoFap to be a miracle cure-all. They need to know that NoFap is only one step.
    The boosts in mood, energy, focus, discipline, etc... are very powerful and motivational, but still need to be used productively in order to be life changing in the end.
    Septimus and Steel Fury like this.
  13. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    I gained confidence when i was fapping I thought to myself "why should I think what someone else says and i should do / say what i want when i want".

    However eradicating habits can restore you....(no not super power) ie

    1) a person who smokes feels fine but when they give up this addiction or habit he can run and breathe more easily...

    2) an alcoholic who gives up drinking thinks with a clear head and can lead a more focused life....

    To be honest I won't be able to answer about perfect life before porn as i started at 12/13 and am 27. I done it for 15 years - throughout my entire adult and teen life. Am sure am not the only one who did this.

    I suppose this is why people see drastic changes as 1) they eradicated a habit which they had throughout their entire adult life and by 2) eradicating it they see "new" (which they missed out on) changes
    mv8652 likes this.
  14. ThatOneGuy56

    ThatOneGuy56 Fapstronaut

    Look man I get what your saying, I don't agree that nofap will turn anyone into an alpha male or female - it hasn't for me but just relax there's no reason to get so upset. And just because there isn't as much sexual objectification as there was back then, it doesn't mean there isn't any now. As for people resetting 1000 times, I kind of agree but not everyone is fortunate enough to get it right on their first try on nofap like I did because they may not know how to handle their urges well enough.
  15. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    Some people need to read something more than once to get it...look again at my opeing post and you will see how I stated that I have been here for a while and I have finally...
    All that I wrote were thoughts that I have been having before even joining this forum.
    Yeah, I would have and I would have been a similar mood, anxiety level and personality just as before even considering rebooting or even discovering porn...
    The problem with a lot of guys is that you attribute everything good that happens to your life to quitting porn and everything bad that happened to porn addiction. I wouldn't be surprised to read in the news how some of you regrew lost limbs after 1 year hard mode...

    The problem is the following...90 per cent of the rebooters have not been monitoring their mood, anxiety level and so forth before deciding quitting porn so what I would argue it happens is that once they become aware and start tracking, thinking and monitoring these things they suddenly realize..."Oh shit I'm depressed!" In fact they were might have been just as depressed before trying to reboot or before watching porn but because they trigger their recticular activation system towards these things and they forget how they used to feel like before quitting.

    I will give you a good analogy...when you are learning a foreign language and look up in the dictionary a new word I bet you will hear, see, read that word in the next couple of days/weeks. Why does this happen? It is not coincidence or magic, it is because your brain became consciously aware of that word and it will pop into your eye. In fact you might have seen that word hundreds of times already but because you didn't know what it meant your brain did not register it. This is kinda what happens with this community.

    I really don't think so.

    You cannot decide what it is useful for me and what not...this is subjective.
    In fact it is very useful for me to express my thoughts and emotions even thou they are negative.

    And thank who? Yeah, there are some people that I have to thank like Alexander, Gabe Deem and a couple of others but I don't think I owe thanks to everyone around here.
  16. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    My impression is that they actually believe that their positive change is exclusive to quitting porn.
  17. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    I'll agree with you on that. It's very misleading when you reaf the success stories it seems as if quittig pmo is a he cause not the catalyst. That pissee me off a bit, I was gullible. Now I know it's more about you're habits than anything else

    Zerg Prosecutor likes this.
  18. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    Sexual objectification of women is due to children being exposed to their fathers treating their mothers like garbage not by porn.
    No amount of porn will make you hate women if you grew up in a healthy environment.
  19. It is common sense that people will realize in time that they need move forward, people believe that PMO will change their problems because they are DESPERATE, or either sad, demotivated and so on ...
    That is like comfort or some sort of motivation to them for a better life.

    It is not needed to give people cold demotivation and self doubts. They will realize, in a while and will have motivation to for example go to some classes, to train basketball and so on. Breaking this negative habit will make you want to improve further.
    If you dont believe that, then i dont see a reason why are you telling that here. You should go and jerk off as much as you can, and do the hobby things, or that you seem to be interested at. Then tell me how did you felt, and how did it go. Then go back on a streak of 30 days, and repeat the same thing you did, and tell how did it pass again.

    Superpowers ? I believe that is just metaphoric way of better self esteem, libido, sex drive, motivation, mind and social skills in general. I would say that this is just an expression, don't ruin it for people.

    If they think that PMO will solve their problems, with that sort of topic you will just make things worse for them, you need to understand that there are people who were jerking off to porn for 3, 6, 8 or 10 years. And breaking porn habit is hard, and unstable at very beginning days for them .. what you're doing is just giving us, people who fight for something better a reason to go back into dark room and fuck ourselves, yet you're not providing us a motivation.
    To all who reached good progress, or started - keep it up, breaking PMO will be a giant boost for your own self improvement.
    If you feel like monster, dont let other people ruin it for you
    Calm likes this.
  20. Calm

    Calm Fapstronaut

    Fapsman and ThatOneGuy56 like this.