Anyone able to reverse hyper pigmentation?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by holyjourney, Sep 26, 2022.

  1. holyjourney

    holyjourney Fapstronaut

    I am an addict of almost 2 decades. I am suffering from lots and lots of issue which can be read in my other thread.

    My question is, is anyone able to reverse hyper pigmentation? especially from face? I was born relatively fair skin, got darker with age but still would had been counted as brown skin.
    since last 4 to 5 years, my skin has become too sensitive to sun. I get burnt too easily and even now when its cold weather, I look like a black person but not a natural black skin color but something which is very burnt and ugly. My chest and shoulders are relatively fair while my arms and face are fully burnt black. I have huge black mark appeared on my nose and arm pits. One doctor initially thought its just mole but its not. The huge black mark perhaps wont go away from nose ever I think but my rest of the face is also burnt all the time and I want to know if any one who overcame this addiction was able to reverse it?
    P.S before you say hyper pigmentation has nothing to do with masturbation, kindly keep in mind that years of fapping causes extreme imbalance and damage to hormone and chemical system and these little imbalances over a long time period appear as big issues like autoimmune issues, kidney stones, hair loss etc. Other people in the past have also reported hyper pigmentation.
  2. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    I'm not doubting at all this isn't possibly related to PMO, which of course is responsible for so so many ailments it's just crazy (I suffer from oh so many myself) but this is the first time I'm hearing about this disease.
    How long have you had this? Does it improve when you stop PMO for some time?
  3. holyjourney

    holyjourney Fapstronaut

    the extreme black big patches have stopped. they can come back though as per doctors as it is related to autoimmune problems which re not solved. but in general the issue of my skin getting easily burnt and staying very dark for months is all the time, even in winter. I think this started in last 4 years. i never had a long streak so I cannot say if PMO can resolve it now but i am trying
  4. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    Definitely this is motivation enough to start on the right side of the path now. I would bet your skin will improve as you get more sober. Side note : on streaks my skin always looks better and when I'm using I have break outs and my skin is so oily
  5. holyjourney

    holyjourney Fapstronaut

    Thanks. That is what I am expecting too. Besides hyper pigmentation, my skin is all the time oily and full of bad acne, the one which leaves scares, and full of pores. I also suffer from psoriasis on head and beard so that also adds a lot to ugliness. I had acne and oily face since always(maybe cause i am an addict since i was 15) so i just got used to it without realizing this could be a result of addiction. I hope to cut down refined sugar and more carbs in coming days to assist in getting a better skin