Is it possible for anyone to date a man with impotency issue and make a strong relationship?
Is it possible for anyone to date a man with impotency issue and make a strong relationship?
If it was a medical condition, what would be your answer to that same question?
That sounds fair. I wish you a partner with neither of these problems. I was just curious.
ED will be cured when you abstain from porn and give the brain enough time to rewire. It might take sevral months of abstainance to see the differnence.
Hi Kizd4AFool,I’ve seen cases and met couple where years have passed without a return of normal sexual function. It really depends on the amount of porn use and other behaviors. Some haven’t had a sexual relationship in 3+ years due to PIED. While I wish it was several months for everyone it’s simply not true. Sometimes it comes back but isn’t the same ever again. Porn damages the brain and body. Damages relationships.
It depends on the age factor as well. 1 thing with PIED is that porn addicts have no problem getting erection to porn. So, the problem is not with the blood flow to the dick but the problem is in the brain. If the guy has abstain from porn 'completely' for 3 years then I am sure that the guy would have seen progress if not a complete cure. But the problem with cases you have mentioned is that the guy could have peeked to Porn once in a while (addictions are powerful) but would not confess to his wife because of shame and guilt.Some haven’t had a sexual relationship in 3+ years due to PIED.
Absolutely...I know who damaging it is. It is spoiling the entire generationDamages relationships
I’ve seen cases and met couple where years have passed without a return of normal sexual function. It really depends on the amount of porn use and other behaviors. Some haven’t had a sexual relationship in 3+ years due to PIED. While I wish it was several months for everyone it’s simply not true. Sometimes it comes back but isn’t the same ever again. Porn damages the brain and body. Damages relationships.
So, the problem is not with the blood flow to the dick but the problem is in the brain.
Of course. It's such a shame that some men in a marriage/relationships are comfortable having these problems.
“I am comfortable having ed?”
... says no one , ever.
@need4realchg, what she said. hihi.
I think I hear what you are saying. It reads like “they should just stop and help themselves”.
Is that what you are saying ?
If I really loved a women and she had the same issue (medical and not self induced), I would not need second thoughts, and you will find me by her side, always.Is it possible for anyone to date a man with impotency issue and make a strong relationship?
At some point they want to quit. Maybe at another, they give up and adopt pmo like a live in mother in law...
“Just quit “.... didn’t work. Hence why this awesome site was born —Nofap
Totally understand addiction. We are very active in our community with people and also animals (run a nonprofit animal rescue). And while it’s difficult it’s not impossible and I don’t have to wait around for him to wake up and decide to choose me. I’ve chosen myself. If he chooses to continue to not help himself he won’t have me...period. I don’t have to continue to be part of his self destruction regardless of the cause (or how hard it is to stop doing it). This is true for all addictions. I refuse to be an enabler in any way, shape, or form. You can love someone and chose not to watch them destroy themselves.
@need4realchg, again what she said.
From now on, she is going to answer all questions directed to me. hihi.