be ready to say no

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Feb 26, 2019.

  1. One thing i realized is i never make it very far when i am constantly having to talk myself out of relapsing, i usually make it like a day or two, but when you are in that zone, when you say NO! instantly, you know you dont want it, you know you dont need it, there is not talking yourself out if it, i think you guys know what i am talking about, so my point is we need to get into that zone, that mindset of not even considering relapsing. So if you find yourself having to talk yourself out of it, you know you need to fix your thinking fast.
    AxBlaim and TheNewestCreation like this.
  2. I usually don't make it ten minutes after I start thinking about it.
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  3. In the beginning of my streak I did that. Now I'm talking myself out of porn thoughts. Each time I have them it makes me miserable, so I'm just trying to stop it.
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  4. exactly that is why if you notice you have that mindset, you need to change fast, i recommend watching inspirational nofap videos, build your resolve up until you know you will be good.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. the goal is to get into the mindset where you are not even having to consider it or not, for me i always watch a lot of inspirational videos, generally in times of great change in my life is when i am in the best mindset, like when i started eating healthy i was not even thinking about porn, i was to distracted.
  6. #TimeToChange19

    #TimeToChange19 Fapstronaut

    I don't think you should constantly read into NoFap, especially when you've gained the knowledge you need in order to stop PMO.

    At this point, you know what it entails and what you need to do in order to stop. You need to step away from a computer screen and partake in activities which sets your mind on something else, you won't relapse then.
  7. Wuzzaap

    Wuzzaap Fapstronaut

    True shiit . When i broke my streak that was because i said yes . For 10 days i said nooo . Whenever the urge hits i say no and it goes away . After 10 days i said yes yes yes , because i missed it . And i regret it ever since .

    It goes like this , imagine the brain is a demon within u , u tell him nooo im not doing this anymore , he goes like yeaah am with u , then he goes maan i miss porrn , u goo noo screw that shit . He goes like yeah ur right. Then u start getting depressed , he goes like remember that actor ? If u saw her ull feel a little better . And then he tricks u into doing it .

    It waits until ur most vulnerable and lets u do it