Beginning to wonder....

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Nayr683071, Oct 23, 2017.

  1. Nayr683071

    Nayr683071 Fapstronaut

    I just created this profile today because I want to figure out if my problem is PIED or something else.

    I have been in a flatline now for a couple years after some initial success as a Fapstronaut. However I am starting to think my problem might not be a flatline but some kind of nerve damage. In the past two years the longest I have gone was was 67 days no pmo or sex, and I saw no improvement. It may be because for a while I took routine Vitamin B injections in order to get it up, which may have caused nerve damage. Those reason I say this is because somewhere in these last two years I just lost the feeling in my penis. I can get it up now luckily, but I almost can't feel anything. I am so confused and have so many theories, but it's hard to put it all together.

    I thought a good way to find out would be to ask: are any of you who are in a flatline numb down there? If so, how numb? I am about 30 percent numb, can somewhat feel the outside skin but nothing outside and no pleasure from an erection. I would like to hear if anybody else feels like this so I can figure out what the solution is. Thank you!
  2. BeanBurrito

    BeanBurrito Fapstronaut

    Yea numbness can definitely be a symptom of the flatline. It definitely has been for me.

    I would recommend trying to go longer than 67 days without any kind of stimulation.

    It should come back but it takes a while for some people.
  3. Nayr683071

    Nayr683071 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply, good to know I'm not the only one, but sorry you will have had the same experience.
  4. avatarivn

    avatarivn Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear about your sensibility problem. Porn is in most cases the cause of many issues relating male sexuality. Give it a good 120 days without masturbation nor stimulation and you will probably recover.

    That being said, if even after a long streak you don't recognize any improvement, you might want to consider medical help. A medical condition is not out of the question.
    throwaway11 likes this.
  5. Nayr683071

    Nayr683071 Fapstronaut

    I have now been 30 porn, 17 days no gap and 15 days no sex. My wife is beginning to notice that it has been a while. She has known since before we got married a year ago about my numbness problem, and when she asked about it I told her that I wanted to give it a rest for a while to see if the numbness would get better. I haven't told her about the possibility that it might be porn related. We are kind of in a stressful time financially and I don't want to dump that on her. Also a few weeks ago I woke up with a Woody that was bent over sideways because of the heavy covers. Because of the numbness I hadn't felt it. It still hasn't straightened out. Fairly grim today, honestly worrying about my future but committed to going forward with the no porn and NoFap, the no sex part I don't know how long I can or should continue. If you believe in God say a prayer for me, I'm gonna need it. Good luck to all.
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  6. Kurenai

    Kurenai Fapstronaut

    If your penis was straight and is now bended, and if this condition keep worsening, you should go to a doctor.
  7. Nayr683071

    Nayr683071 Fapstronaut

    Now I've been 45 with no porn, 32 NoFap, had sex a few days ago. I am not sure how realistic it is to do hard mode while you're married. Around 2-3 weeks of abstinence sex drive was high, though numbness was still there, a few days before sex my libido dropped, luckily I performed OK.
    Here is my theory: the last time I relapsed I had been six months without porn. I fapped to porn and my sex drive went up. So I did it again, and it seemed like my sex drive was almost back, though I was still numb. I even had precum, which I hadn't had in a while. After a month or two the precum was gone and so was my sex drive again, and I almost couldn't get it up without porn.
    So I think the relapse lit up my partially-healed dopamine receptors so that it seemed better, and then burned them back out again. As a side note, cigarettes bring back my libido super strong for a couple of weeks, and then it goes away again. This is probably because it lights up my dopamine receptors.
    So my plan is to just keep abstaining from P and M, have sex moderately, maybe once a week, and just give it time. Hopefully my body will accept this as the new normal and adjust itself.
    I am also returning to Catholic faith which is helping me immensely. If you believe in God, whatever your religion, please say a prayer for me. And stay away from porn, which is undoubtedly the enemy.
  8. Nayr683071

    Nayr683071 Fapstronaut

    Still hanging in there with the no p or m. Had successful sex again, but flatline resumes between sex sessions. I wonder if I should go straight hard mode, but I don't know how that will be for my marriage. Obviously my wife being happy is the priority, so as long as I can have sex I am going to keep doing this. But the constant flatline is continuing to wear on me. I'm sure that whenever she gets pregnant that will be an opportunity for hard mode, because most women lose interest for at least a few months during pregnancy. Any experience on reboot during a marriage would be helpful. Did you do hard mode? How long? Best luck to all.
  9. Nayr683071

    Nayr683071 Fapstronaut

    I am not doing so great today. Had a bad dream and woke up in a sour mood. Had increased libido for a while, now nothing. Still numb as a brick, on about 20 percent sensation. Haven't had sex in ten days, no porn in 2 months, nofap in six weeks. It stresses me out because it makes me fear for my marriage. Say a prayer for me of you see this. I hope all who read this are well.
    JesusStrength and throwaway11 like this.
  10. UpendiT

    UpendiT Fapstronaut

    Can you feel pain when squeezing the shaft between your thumb and middle finger or scratching the inside tissue with a fingernail? I can't... not going to lie, it has eaten at my sanity for way too many years.