Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Sakhi, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    To be honest its been 20 days that I have limited masturbating but not quited it forever yet . . I see the changes in my body and my hair. My hair has become shiny and glossary and I see my hair fall decreasing and instead new small hairs are growing in my M shape and front of my head. can you believe it?? Before these 20 days of not faping I had masturbated 4 or 5 times a week for 4 years.. but Im seeing the result of limiting it in 20 days.. maybe if I quite masturbation, god know how much changees I will see in me InshaAllh. Im trying to stop it forever and really cant wait to see the changes more.. Im finding the reall self of me in myself.. and sorry for the weak English lol
    alex372, Zacrawl and Dr. Jekyll like this.
  2. Paleblood

    Paleblood Fapstronaut

    Hey good for you. This might not be an off-topic post though. I would say it falls under porn addiction or rebooting.

    The further you get into your streak the clearer you will see. A prime example of this is I have a girls number in my phone right now, and she's a 9 easily mabye a 10. However, I haven't talked to her in a few days because I'm worried about my schooling, work, and helping fellow Fapstronauts. When I was a chronic fapper I would be blowing up her phone texting her every 2 hours if she didn't respond. I see what's relevant now. In eastern philosophy perpetual sexual depravity keeps you grounded in your root chakra which makes you kin to a beast. In other words it grounds you in the flight or fight response, and keeps you focused on scraping by with the bare minimum. Water. Food. Shelter. This is how an animal thinks.

    Anyway, I'm only trying to say that quitting forever is the best thing you can do for yourself. Trying to rationalize and thinking you might try to "cut back" or "once a week" actually takes more willpower than outright quitting. Props to the ones who have that will power but the truth is most of us don't. Its not as if we are lesser beings its the simple fact our brains are hardwired to find shortcuts. PMO tricks your brain into thinking you are a procreation god hence why it wants you to PMO.

    Wet dreams will hit you eventually. All I can say is speculation. I believe there's two things happening here. Either your brain is using flashbacks to try and force a dopamine hit, or your subconscious wants to reinforce negativity with the act of masturbation. Hence why I have a short period of intense guilt in my dreams about PMO. It may be my brain reinforcing that idea into my conscious life. Hence why I'm constantly reminded about guilt ill feel afterward from PMO urges.

    Sorry for the lengthy post, your clearly new here and since no one else wants to show support I definitely will.
  3. That's amazing. Have you made other changes recently besides quitting PMO?
  4. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    Nothing more
  5. Keep it up and let us know what happens.
    Sakhi likes this.
  6. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

  7. Interesting article. I agree with a lot of it. However, I think women should also limit orgasm and avoid masturbation! PMO is a problem for them as well.

    It's definitely good to be aware of eastern philosophy. You don't have to agree with it all, but it broadens the mind.
  8. ChampionBaller

    ChampionBaller Fapstronaut

    In Sha Allah bro U'll make it I'm currently on day 49.. ;)
  9. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    InshaAllh bro

    If you have any topics about quiting masturbating or the method that used to pass thses 49 plzzz share those wd me...
    ChampionBaller likes this.
  10. ChampionBaller

    ChampionBaller Fapstronaut

    Keep urself busy all d time like Workout, study, pray, socialize, read or listen to books on personal development, practice mindfulness n meditation... N keep going fr a month n U'll no longer feel to do PMO when U feel bored as it will become a habit!!! N habits shape our destiny!!!