Bigmacdood's road towards recovery

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by bigmacdood, Mar 1, 2016.

  1. bigmacdood

    bigmacdood Fapstronaut

    I am a mid 20s male who is currently in the process of applying to medical school. I will be taking the MCAT in August and have noticed significant cognitive benefits during past streaks where I chose not to fap. I have set very high goals when it comes to specialty choice within the field of medicine and would like to have the opportunity to make whole on these expectations. With regards to the opposite sex, I believe that I am at the point in my life where I would love to have the opportunity to treat a woman with the respect and kindness that may result in a genuine relationship. I really haven't had one of these in about 6 years but have had numerous isolated sexual encounters with attractive women which are truly unsatisfying. They provide me with a confident boost during that moment, but have not provided me with any long term value add. Lastly, I have noticed a significant improvement in my gym lifts when I don't fap. I tend not to ego lift and usually focus on sticking to my periodized plan which has truly helped build discipline and provided me with tremendous gains. I notice that when I fap, I tend to deviate from the plan and this has forced me to experience minor injuries thereby reducing my performance.

    In summation, my desire to have a genuine relationship with a female coupled with an important examination with significant implications on my career are compelling me to make the decision to join the NoFap crowd. I would like to spend the next 90 days in hard mode and will do my best to provide a log of my progress. Please note that I am also relocating across the country in August 2016 and would like to complete my reboot and recalibration prior to my introduction into this new setting. I would truly like this to be my "fresh start in life."

    At the moment, I am 1 day w/o fapping and my longest streak thus far has been at the 10 dayish mark. I have reached this point multiple times but find myself caving in due to a general lack of discipline. My triggers seemed to be associated with my tendency to place myself in social settings with the objective of interacting with women rather than studying. In addition, I tend to fap prior to sleeping and am working on eliminating any urges prior to sleeping. I will do my best to journal on here prior to sleeping with the objective of dissipating any negative urges.
  2. bigmacdood

    bigmacdood Fapstronaut

    I think I might have placed this thread in the wrong subforum. I have relocated it to the 25-29 logs. Can a moderator delete this current thread? Thanks.