Bit of a small victory for me...


I know I've made great progress when I can have two wet dreams in a row (6 in previous month) and still get hard later that morning and evening JUST from talking to a girl via text message. Before nofap there's no way in hell I could get hard just from messaging a girl. And early into nofap I would go into a flatline for a week or two just from one wet dream.

Another bit of good news is that I really struggle/d with maintaining an erection whilst standing up and I barely get a semi chub if I'm already upright but now I can play with it and get an erection just with fantasy alone. No way this was possible even 1-2 months ago. I've made huge gains. I'm not quite there yet but I'm amazed at how much progress I've made despite my multiple relapses (no orgasm though). Cutting porn out has saved my life.
Keep Going Man,Proud Of Ya
I know I've made great progress when I can have two wet dreams in a row (6 in previous month) and still get hard later that morning and evening JUST from talking to a girl via text message. Before nofap there's no way in hell I could get hard just from messaging a girl. And early into nofap I would go into a flatline for a week or two just from one wet dream.

Another bit of good news is that I really struggle/d with maintaining an erection whilst standing up and I barely get a semi chub if I'm already upright but now I can play with it and get an erection just with fantasy alone. No way this was possible even 1-2 months ago. I've made huge gains. I'm not quite there yet but I'm amazed at how much progress I've made despite my multiple relapses (no orgasm though). Cutting porn out has saved my life.
I know I've made great progress when I can have two wet dreams in a row (6 in previous month) and still get hard later that morning and evening JUST from talking to a girl via text message. Before nofap there's no way in hell I could get hard just from messaging a girl. And early into nofap I would go into a flatline for a week or two just from one wet dream.

Another bit of good news is that I really struggle/d with maintaining an erection whilst standing up and I barely get a semi chub if I'm already upright but now I can play with it and get an erection just with fantasy alone. No way this was possible even 1-2 months ago. I've made huge gains. I'm not quite there yet but I'm amazed at how much progress I've made despite my multiple relapses (no orgasm though). Cutting porn out has saved my life.
What kind of relapse did you make? And did you have any sex?
What kind of relapse did you make? And did you have any sex?

In the first several months (been rebooting since the end of February) I would get hard to porn to do checks but I didn't realise this was harming my reboot. I did this probably at least 5-10 times. Never edged or O'd though. Then just over a month ago I did a check again (out of paranoia) and I properly masturbated to porn 4 times and at least twice I edged a bit, this hurt my progress quite badly and sent me into a flatline but luckily it only last 2-3 weeks. Now I'm back again and probably stronger than before. My morning woods are still only semi chubs though. In the first two weeks of my reboot I started waking with 100% hard ons in the middle of the night and mornings for a week or two and they would persist for ages. Then they vanished for a long time then came back then it was back to semis again and only 2 days out of the last month I got full on nocturnal ragers. Now im at chubs again. Only good thing is that I can get fully hard in the mornings when I text my gf (ldr). I take it all as a good sign and I'm sure full wood sleep woods will return eventually. Point being is I can get an erection somewhat easily now without porn and even my sensitive has improved considerably.

Wanted to add that no I haven't had sex yet but I will be by the start of nov or end of oct. If I had the chance now though I definitely could have proper sex. I only fear that too much sex or orgasms days in a row could send me into a flatline. Hopefully by 120 days no PMO I wont run that risk. Funny thing is I'll be almost exactly 120 days PMO free by the time I see my gf.
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What a noob. Im on day 70 and survived all this time without wet dreams cause I know how to avoid them. First reduce pressure on D by sleeping on a side not on stomac or back and second wash genitals with cold water before sleep. There are many ways how to avoid them but most powerful way is subconcious mind. I tell myself - I wont see sexual dreams tonight. And most of the moornings I wake up without even erection. Found ways to escape wet dreams on this forum in topic -10 tips how to avoid wet dreams - google it.
What a noob. Im on day 70 and survived all this time without wet dreams cause I know how to avoid them. First reduce pressure on D by sleeping on a side not on stomac or back and second wash genitals with cold water before sleep. There are many ways how to avoid them but most powerful way is subconcious mind. I tell myself - I wont see sexual dreams tonight. And most of the moornings I wake up without even erection. Found ways to escape wet dreams on this forum in topic -10 tips how to avoid wet dreams - google it.

Dude trust me, I've tried EVERYTHING I possibly can to reduce my wet dream frequency, NOTHING WORKS! It's like clock work, at the start of each month I'll have at least 3, 5 tops. It just happens on it's own. I always make sure to sleep on my side, I sleep naked with the quilt not touching my junk and I know it doesn't because I wake up half way through ejaculation and my dick is no where near touching the quilt. It just happens. Sometimes its sex dreams, sometimes dreams about pissing myself (although they dont always make me cum) some times its a dream where I'm seeking out porn (happens a lot less now) and other times it will just happen and I wont even notice it until I wake up in the middle of the night and find a mess. Very rarely I can actually tell myself in the dream not to do it.

I found those 10 tips months ago and I think the only useful one is laying on my side and sleeping naked so I avoid rubbing. It will just happen anyway regardless. I read on wikipedia anyway and it says that a male my age should expect 3-5 wet dreams a month if he doesn't have sex or masturbate. I honestly WISH I could make them stop, believe's a fucking pain the ass.

I'm also going on a month long holiday in 5 weeks and I'm fucking dreading sleeping in strange places as it'll probably be in dorm rooms at some point and with my fucking uncle so I'll either have to keep baby wipes ready by my bed or sleep with my boxers on and risk having more wet dreams and walk around with dried cum in my pants all day.
Dude trust me, I've tried EVERYTHING I possibly can to reduce my wet dream frequency, NOTHING WORKS! It's like clock work, at the start of each month I'll have at least 3, 5 tops. It just happens on it's own. I always make sure to sleep on my side, I sleep naked with the quilt not touching my junk and I know it doesn't because I wake up half way through ejaculation and my dick is no where near touching the quilt. It just happens. Sometimes its sex dreams, sometimes dreams about pissing myself (although they dont always make me cum) some times its a dream where I'm seeking out porn (happens a lot less now) and other times it will just happen and I wont even notice it until I wake up in the middle of the night and find a mess. Very rarely I can actually tell myself in the dream not to do it.

I found those 10 tips months ago and I think the only useful one is laying on my side and sleeping naked so I avoid rubbing. It will just happen anyway regardless. I read on wikipedia anyway and it says that a male my age should expect 3-5 wet dreams a month if he doesn't have sex or masturbate. I honestly WISH I could make them stop, believe's a fucking pain the ass.

I'm also going on a month long holiday in 5 weeks and I'm fucking dreading sleeping in strange places as it'll probably be in dorm rooms at some point and with my fucking uncle so I'll either have to keep baby wipes ready by my bed or sleep with my boxers on and risk having more wet dreams and walk around with dried cum in my pants all day.

Don't worry dude! Wet dream are just fine and natural. Just your body recyling some good juices. ;)

Keep at it. You're doing great.
What is your current streak?

Current is 35 days, I have no idea what my longest was. I kinda cheated on my last counter because I didn't reset it despite multiple "erection test" with porn. So now I'm aiming for 120 days, then after that it'll be no P and M but there will be O because I'll be having sex.