Bored of porn bored of the extreme stuff . What now?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Upwards2020, Aug 22, 2022.

  1. Upwards2020

    Upwards2020 Fapstronaut

    My mind is gone . Because I am now not only bored of porn I'm bored of.the real fuck up.extreme stuff and just see it for what it is . It's not only boring its sick .

    So what now. If everything is boring

    What do I do now just compulsively force myself to cum out of addiction boredom and compulsive behaviour this is around the time I'm liable to see some fucked up shit that I really don't want to see . But I will do anyway because I'm a fucking degenerate addict.

    Sometimes i think to myself what is the fucking point.

    I've gone past what I like and into the boundaries of what makes me feel sick htf do you exist like this . It's bound to only get worse and worse have I no shame no Rock bottom . Just an endless source for dopamine no matter what how much more of this shit can I do to myself

    Should you just fucking kill yourself at this stage .

    Dont know how much more of this shit I'm willing to take
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2022
  2. Maybe you feel bored of porn right now because your body and mind are desperately trying to get you to stop harming yourself. You are emptying out all of the good energy from your organs, body, mind, flesh, bloodstream.

    You already are killing yourself by doing PMO.

    Just quit doing it … please quit… :(
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  3. voltex

    voltex Fapstronaut

    Push on fighting, no matter how bleak or how far deep you are, as long as one foot moves in front of the other, you'll eventually make it out the whole no matter how far in it is
    Put every last energy you have in your body into Nofap, and then and ONLY when you've tried your hardest, used up all your force can you say it's impossible
    Easiest and hardest way to start is quitting cold turkey, disconnect all your devices from wifi, forget the password, turn them all off and push on through the days with force
  4. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Yep I've been in a similar place. Watching over the top stuff for hours, avoiding responsibilities, then doing it again because at that point "nothing else feels good".

    Look, it's probably going to take some time to turn this around, but you're already on a good path by putting words down and seeking council here with other's who've been there.

    So what now?

    This might be a pivotal moment in your life. A lot of guys don't recognise the problem or want to change. You're acutely aware of the problem and that's why it hurts so much.

    You can use this as fuel to keep questioning things.
    - What 'needs' or 'wants' do you use porn for?
    - What would be healthy replacements for those needs/wants?
    - What very small actions could you take today to get slightly closer to that life?

    You could go further... Question your values, have they changed over the years? What would your realistic best life in 5 years time look like? Painting a picture of your 'ideal life' in 5 years time may give you pointers for what you need to do this year, this month, week, and today...

    Lots of notes... But sometimes we really need to take stock of where we're at, and why we are numbing ourselves to our present situation.

    Write, read, journal, discuss, plan, question and repeat... I hope this helps!
    T2Q and TiredOfFailing like this.
  5. T2Q

    T2Q Fapstronaut

    Some of that is the "other side" of the high talking. You know, what goes up must come down. That lack of dopamine hit has got you feeling pretty down. Listen to it, but ignore it. You need to quit, but you're not too far gone. Get a few accountability partners on the site and go from there. The most important thing is to not give up on yourself.
    BigStevie87 likes this.
  6. Brother I've been there before too. Suicidal thoughts, desensitized to all types of porn... Look at it this way instead: that once you hit rock bottom the only way you can go from there is UP!! Stay strong and just take it day by day, keep fighting with all you got.
    T2Q likes this.
  7. If everything is boring, what now? Well, be bored.

    The harsh truth is that it's not the end of the world to be bored. We all need to learn how to be okay with being uncomfortable. That's a huge part of this addiction. We don't want to be uncomfortable, even for a minute, so we just give into the stuff that will make that feeling go away as quickly as possible.

    We need to learn self control and discipline and how to accept the fact that sometimes life is hard for a while. But it's always temporary, and you'll survive.

    Someone recommended this video to me recently and some of it is similar to what I'm saying here. Maybe it will help you.

    Long Range and True-Self like this.
  8. Trust the process bro, you will transform into someone who does not watch porn, your brain will heal and life will give you all the dopamine your brain needs, gotta struggle a little bit with withdrawal and then you're free Trust the process there are thousands and thousands of people who did it including me Trust me when I tell you it is not BS there is light at the end of the tunnel.
  9. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    TheHouseAlwaysWins Fapstronaut

    I'd actually be wary of this boredom. Last week I hit 7-8 days on my streak, felt like I had no desire to watch weird fetish stuff, and even when I did reset it was only to the most vanilla vanilla to ever vanilla. A week on, I ended up binging to fetish crap. Basically, I got too cocky and let my guard down.