Brainstorming thread. Mark the date: 12/02/2022!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by NF SINCE BIRTH, Feb 12, 2022.

  1. Today is the second last day in the next 300 years where the numbers line up so perfectly. Science has shown that starting your streak on any significant day helps when building new habits and getting rid of bad ones.

    So whats a better day that 12/02/2022?!

    I know you want to say 22/02/2022 but dont wait until then. Start today and you will be 10 days clean on that day.

    I relapsed today. I am pretty sure insomnia was the main contributor to my relapse. At 5 am I couldn't manage anymore. My mistake was quite simple: I tried fasting for the first time ever. The fasting in itself was a good experience but I also thought I could go to sleep without even taking my medicines.

    Bad idea. So I white knuckled for hours. I was hungry and sleep deprived. I knew this night would do me in.

    So I want to create a brainstorming thread. How do I form this warrior mindset I obviously need for long term success? I need to be able to fight urges while having insomnia for days, PTSD flashbacks, while starving. While depressed in the dark and after my crush of the last few months rejected me.

    So fire away. I already got some strategies myself but some needs improving.
  2. My plan

    I want to start out by writing down my plan so far. I need to write everything down on a piece of paper as well and make sure I read it if I feel weak.

    I am currently back at the gym. The habit is quite fresh so I need to make sure to stick with it.

    I am meditating at least once a day.

    I am reading on average around an hour a day in a paperback.

    I am doing some daily Spanish lessons.

    I am socializing more than usual and I have plans on how to get more friends, committed to go out 4 evenings a week for 4 hours and practice picking up girls.

    Not that I am bad with girls really. It is just that my lay count is extremely low and I guess I need a confidence boost there. Trying to get laid is not the purpose of the practice though. It is to get better at socializing.

    I am doing hard mode for now. I have a no touching rule. If I touch myself for too long, I have some reaper pepper oil I can put on my balls or Tiger Balm if I want to spice it up a little.

    The only valid way for me to get off is if I happen to have a girl in my bed. This rule is absolute. Therefore I am quite dissapointed that I cant follow it. I will write it down in big letters on a piece of paper.

    I have to really want this and some part of my brain isnt fully convinced that abstinence is worth the effort. I have to turn that part of my brain off, override it, hack it.