Can porn use lead to onset of mental disorders?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Jreeze2015, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. Jreeze2015

    Jreeze2015 Fapstronaut

    here's my story: Started watching porn at 12 years old pretty much everyday. I was a very outgoing kid. Always loved going out. Hooking up with girls was easy for me because of my looks, not to be cock but girls have told me I'm very good looking. I must have made out with over 50 girls when I was a teen and had sex with 15. Bottom line I'm trying to make is that even though I was watching porn throughout my teens daily, I still was social, had little trouble with erections and my attraction to girls was natural. Things like just kissing would give me an erection.

    Fast forward to when I turned 19. I was smoking a lot of pot just out of high school. I pretty much turned into a pot head. Smoked blunts and joints everyday. That's all me and my friends did. This is also when I started noticing weaker erections and a decrease in motivation to go out and pursue women.

    Now to my HOCD: Before I turned 19, I never questioned my sexual orientation. Nor did I ever think I was gay or looked gay. My friends would joke around and call each other "fags" and "gay" or whatever but no one ever took each other seriously. I loved life, loved girls, loved my guy friends and never analyzed myself for signs of me being gay. I never jerked off to gay porn or gay thoughrs and never have found the male body sexually attractive. My HOCD started when I started realizing my erections to porn were weaker, and I noticed the guy more in porn and this freaked me out. The thought of "what if I'm turning gay"? Popped into my head. Remember, at this time I was experiencing decreased motivation, weak erections to porn, none of that extra energy to go out and get girls like I did only a year prior. Ever since that first thought of "what if I'm gay" my life has changed. I analyze everything I do as "gay". I have flashbacks of porn and all I can think of is the guys penis. I constantly am paranoid that I come off as gay or people think im gay. My fantasies are always intruded by gay thoughts, like instead of my penis penetrating a girl it's replaced by another guys penis. This use to never happen before I had that first thought and noticed weaker erections to porn . I always had fantasies that involved me and a girl and that was enough to extremely arouse me. It's almost as if my mind has placed me in a voyeur kind of state. So for the last two years, from sun up to sun down, I have constant gay intrusive thoughts every single day. I don't hang out with my guy friends as much as I use to because I fear that they think I'm gay and it's tiring to be around them and have this worry that they perceive me as gay. These are the same guys I use to go out with and get girls with. I even banged this chick with one of my friends when we were like 16 and had no problem being in the room with him while he was naked. I didn't think about him because I was aroused by the girl and he was my buddy. This girl was a whore and we just railed her. See this is what I'm saying. I use to be so confident in my sexuality that I could have another dude naked in the room and not even think twice about it. I just loved banging the girl.

    So fast forward two years. My erections have never really been the same. The HOCD still haunts me. I believe I have developed Body dysmorphic disorder as well. This is when you have some perceived physical flaw and are constantly worried about it, constantly looking in the mirror, and are ashamed over. I think my HOCD feeds this disorder. I fear people look at my hands because they are small for man hands, so I believe people view them as feminine. I also have a "pretty boy" kind of face so I constantly worry about people perceiving me as gay because I don't look like a rugged man. So now at age 21, I no longer go out, I stay home most of the time, my sex drive is non existent, I worry everyday that I might turn gay or people perceive me as gay. I can't control these thoughts. They just intrude my mind with no boundries. It seems like my world is so sexualized and disgusting. What use to get me so aroused at 16, like cleavage, does nothing for me anymore. It's horrible

    So my question to you NoFappers. Is there a link between the onset of mental disorders and porn? Does porn cause brain changes so that the brain is more prone to developing an anxiety disorder? Maybe a defiencency in dopamine or serotonin? And has anybody noticed any reversal of mental disorders when they have done nofap for a long period of time. I figure my reboot is going to take me 6-12 months or longer because of when I started. Please help me out here
  2. Icyweb

    Icyweb Fapstronaut

    It sounds like you're experiencing something a lot of people do. The more porn you watch, the more your brain gets desensitized to it. This leads you to "need" more intense/weird stuff to get an erection and finish. A lot of people get into gay porn when they are deep in a porn addiction, and once they've rebooted it disappears.
    My advice would be to live your life normally, avoid sex and sexual thoughts, and don't worry about it. If you don't dwell on it I think it will go better.
  3. theDoctorSmith

    theDoctorSmith Fapstronaut

    I was facing something similar. When I was aroused and watching porn, sometimes I felt attracted to the dick more than the chick. I wasn't sure if I was gay or exploring my sexuality. This happened only when I was watching porn. I did not get aroused by men otherwise. At the same time this was happening I got into other extreme porn fetishes. I read the same explanation icyweb gave on yourbrainonporn and felt a little relieved. I am now certain I'm not gay or even bicurious. My mind was bored watching normal porn and was getting its fix from extreme fetishes. It's only improved my resolve to stop watching porn.
  4. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    I honestly believe this to be true... Porn can lead to the onset of mental disorders. Coupled with smoking weed, a notorious paranoia inducing drug...

    The trouble with HOCD is once you've began that cycle, that routine, that form of checking, it rarely ever goes.

    The good thing is, over time you can reduce its effects. You can reduce how you react to it. Let me just say, you will need to begin reducing your porn consumption as well, I've been 60days once but have since relapsed. So it may take a year even longer to start training yourself that watching porn is not normal - or healthy.

    Now back to the HOCD. Luckily, I've had a lot of experience with this and let me tell you the only way to beat it is to do exactly what scares this shit out of you at this present moment in time. Otherwise you'll never get your life back.

    1. You have to be totally comfortable with the fact that you might be gay. I say the word might, as in you're probably not, but when you wake up everyday you have to tell yourself, 'hey I might be gay and that's OK.'

    2. You have to start using the word, gay or phaggot in conversations with others again. Maybe throw the word around now and again and see how you react to it. Even laugh about it and deliberately say, I bought a shirt yesterday but it was seriously gay as fuck. You have to keep doing this, gradually building up the intensity.

    4. Remove all songs from your ipod and download just gay, or songs that are perceived to be gay and listen to them everyday, during college or work. Don't be afraid to leave your ipod out on show either. If someone accidently sees those songs on your ipod, you couldn't give a fuck. It's just a song.

    5.Start reading gay articles, maybe the gay times, just get comfortable with anything to with gay issues. If a TV show comes on and there's a person you suspect to be gay instead of flickering the channel stay there, increase the volume. Are your parents or friends in the same room? Who cares, you need to stay there and crank up your anxiety.

    6. Plan a coming out, record memos of yourself coming out on your ipod. Make it as ridiculous as possible. Buy a pink T-shirt and nail varnish, and pretend you're going to come out to your family. Make it as real as possible. Actually try talking to yourself and telling yourself you definitely 100% home grown queer. And nothing else makes sense.

    7. Continue with this everyday for a good couple of months and I can guarantee you, your HOCD spikes will practically disappear. Also start reducing your porn and definitely quit smoking pot.

    Good luck my friend you're not alone.
  5. SkyDoge

    SkyDoge Fapstronaut

    Dude what? No ignore him.

    When I was watching porn every day a few years ago, I started wondering if I liked guys and wanted to be more feminine. I even experimented with that IRL and found that what seemed exciting on porn was gross in practice. It was 100 percent caused by the porn and now I laugh about it because I'm so very straight.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. JethroTull

    JethroTull Fapstronaut

    Best way to find out? Quit porn and see what effect take place in your body. No doubt about it, porn is worth quitting regardless of the level of addiction. I do believe it affects one's mental well being and I think there are several issues here compounding. But I focus better, I'm happier and life is simpler when I'm off the porn.
  7. Icyweb

    Icyweb Fapstronaut

    I have to disagree with what tweeby said. It doesn't sound like the best plan. It sounds a lot like dwelling on the issue and allowing it to rule your thoughts and behavior. The best way I've found to combat ocd is to meet it head on, and say no. Put a rubber band on your wrist and snap it when you feel like checking. Distract yourself with something else.
    And don't reduce pmo, eliminate it!
  8. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    Meeting an OCD head on does not equate to pushing the thoughts away. In fact, it has been proven that this behaviour only strengthens the compulsion and causes more anxiety in the long run.

    The best way is to eliminate any hold or fear the 'thought of turning gay' elicits ... to face it, accept it and amplify those stirring emotions. When you do this day in day out, instead of being exhausted with the constant commentary in your head, 'am I gay, could this mean ____, or could this mean _____?' You bombard your negative voice in your head with, 'Yeah goddamit I am gay, didn't you know?'

    This whole 'turning it around', plays havoc with your inner HOCD voice and as a result it doesn't hold any grip over you in the long run. I'm afraid the people that have commented on this being a bad idea, probably hasn't ever studied or looked at the best counter measures to beat OCD's - or experienced it themselves.

    If you research it enough, you will find good therapists set their client's set tasks when overcoming an anxiety and that involves actively stirring those emotions you want to push aside.

    Snapping a rubber band is laughable idea.

    I do agree with one thing icyweb has said, and that's to prevent PMO altogether but we all know it is not as easy as that, so it will taken a gradual weening and a bunch of trial and errors (relapses) to come off porn.

    Good luck man, PM if you need anything.
  9. Harvhe

    Harvhe Fapstronaut

    Granted from what i know as a non-professional normal guy who listens around, pornographic abuse and a certain degree of substance abuse are probably going to have a effect on brain wiring, especially if you are taking in these substances while the brain is rewiring itself to cope with porn via desensitization etc etc.

    Im neither supporting your claim or denying it, but its there and i would not be shocked if combined use did have a more prominent effect on mental 'health and wellbeing' even to some minor degree such as raising the pre-existing genetic risks.

    Im a "straight" guy, but i've experienced a lot of 'questionable' behaviour such as a intimate 'man crush' where myself and someone known to be publically gay and to be ripped (getting off topic here) began to get intimate before cutting off and never talking to each other again to easing myself and occasionally joking with myself on such matters. Any doubt in my mind i simply put down to saying im bi instead of im outright 'gay' since it is a comfortable middleground and i have put thought into the mechanics of transitioning sexuality and decided it was not for me at the time being anyway.

    Despite what culture might tell you, there is nothing wrong with being 'gay' really in modern society, taboo and occasional ridicule maybe, but if you can walk the streets openly with the occasional insult, it's better than some places in the world where you risk being seriously injured/killed or arrested for prison time.
  10. Jreeze2015

    Jreeze2015 Fapstronaut

    Yea I have no problem with being gay. It isn't about the fear of what society would think of me if I was, it's more about unwanted intrusive thoughts, meaning thoughts that I cannot control and randomly pop into my head. The more I try to not think about them the more they pop into my head.

    Tweeby is actually right. I have heard this to be the best treatment for HOCD. To expose yourself to the fear to the point where it becomes boring. I am going to go this route
    tweeby likes this.
  11. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    Just out of interest, I hope you know your 'supposed GAY' thoughts are hardly gay at all. What you are experiencing is voyeuristic imagery - which is typically what 100% guys view when then sit down and watch porn. I.E watching another guy have sex with a girl. If you're watching porn long enough the brain builds the neuro connections to become excited by voyeuristic imagery.

    If you turned around and said your excitement comes from imagining two guys have sex that would be entirely different, and even still some straight guys have even admitted escalating from transgendered person porn to gay porn purely for the novelty factor - be thankful you've not reached that stage.

    All your other anecdotal evidence for suggesting you might be gay is just pure nonsense. Do you honestly think ALL gay guys have small hands, or are good looking? Of course not, like everything there are typical stereotypes and not so typical stereotypes.

    I've not read a single thing so far that suggests a longing for same sex relationships, an emotional longing that all closeted homosexuals describe.
  12. DogDaysOfLife

    DogDaysOfLife Fapstronaut

    You won't obsess about your sexuality if you don't care which way it goes. Maybe tweeby's advice goes a bit far (to the point of dwelling on the obsession), but you have to somehow get to a point where you can say, "Maybe I'm gay (or bi or something else). That's OK. I can live with that." When the obsession is gone, you can see the issue unclouded.
  13. ClaritySeeker

    ClaritySeeker Fapstronaut

    Too much marijuana causes increased estrogen and paranoia. Marijuana has also been associated with mental disorders in some cases. How much are you, or were you, smoking? Definitely stop and definitely stop PMO