Can't stop fapping, please HELP ME

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by double_a, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. double_a

    double_a Guest

    Currently I am 19 years old and have been battling PMO addiction for the past 4 years of my life. When I get stressed out because of school or life, I usually PMO to release the tension and pressure. I feel exhausted and unmotivated to do anything productive. I just have no emotion and feel like a zombie. I miss enjoying the little things in life that used to make me happy. PMO is like having cancer, why did I have to deal with this horrible illness at such an early age? There is no treatment or medication, and the only way to win the battle is with self-control. I am having a tough time in overcoming strong urges. I just give up because I get a boner and start fantasizing about girls. It is very difficult for me to concentrate and focus nowadays. Also I have trouble making decisions and thinking logically. It is like my brain is dead, and I have no spirit in my soul. PMO is deadly and now I know why people take years to beat the addiction. I don't know what to do. I hate the way I am living and I know the consequences of PMO, but I still continue to do it. Why am I living such an awful life? I wish my brain can return to normal sensitivity overnight, but it is a long process. I don't have the patience to make a commitment because I am sick of failing every time I try to do a reboot. Some people are successful with a reboot on their first try, I can't even count the times I failed with a 90 day reboot. I relapsed today with a 10 day streak and I can't believe I gave up for a few seconds of pleasure. I can't live like this anymore, I just want to die. My parents think that I have a mental problem because sometimes I am in another world and I start to daydream. They are angry that I haven't made a decision on what I want to do as a career. I have been thinking about my future for 2 years now and I haven't got anywhere. I would rather be a homeless person on the streets than deal with this poisonous disease.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2015
    Moatasem and NF SINCE BIRTH like this.
  2. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    You are so lucky to have found NoFap at your age. So much is going to open up for you on this forum. There are so many helpful people on here. Don't focus on any other social media sites for a while and just focus on reading the threads here. People have a lot of spiritual knowledge and you are lucky that when looking for happiness you found this site. I assure you that wonderful things will happen for you including many beautiful women in your life energising you as your reward for finding NoFap. Now just to get on with it. One week streaks is probably all you need at your age cause there are going to be lots of women wanting a piece of you and you wont be able to entertain them all if you are stuck on an old mans hard mode streak like me. If you can do 7 days that's more than enough but don't use porn just fantasy. Porn is toxic basically and you need to cut it off from all your computers phones etc for your sake so there is no possible way you can access it. So what I would ask you to aim for is 2 week long steaks in the next two months and cut off the porn and keep checking this site every day. Don't worry about a thing cause I can assure you you are doing really well considering the environment we are in. You will soon be feeling strong.
    AlltheRageBackHome and Jodokus like this.
  3. I was in your same situation less than a year ago. I was living at home, jobless, maybe a little bit suicidal. I knew that porn was at the root of my problems but I couldn't find a way to overcome it. I feel like a new person now. I know I haven't beaten my addiction yet, but now I feel there is so much to live for, and the chance to beat this addiction is the top of my list.

    The things that made the difference for me were talking to people about my addiction (trusted people who I talked with face-to-face), taking care of my physical health, improving myself in activities I enjoyed (for me this included reading a book on creativity), looking for helpful resources online, and going to addiction recovery meetings.

    You sound to me like someone who cares about living a good life, and I think you have a great chance to overcome your challenge. Don't forget the positive in your life, even if you can't see it clearly now. The blessings in life will help carry us through the tough times.
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  4. The key here is that we just need to take complete responsibility for our decisions and actions. If we want to stop doing something, we will. If we don't then we'll keep doing it.

    You have to sit down and truly ask yourself, do I actually want to stop this or not? In your mind you do, but in your soul you don't, that's why you're still doing it. I'm sorry but I'm just being real here. If I love you as a fellow brother, then I'm going to speak the firm truth to you without sugar coating it, because that's what love is.

    I had to go through the same thing and I had to stop kidding myself. Every time I broke a streak or booted the laptop to fap again was all because I wanted to do it. Nothing more, nothing less.

    I'm at a place now where I've just had enough. I allowed myself to work through the emotions as to why I was fapping and you need to let yourself do the same. There are emotional reasons for everything and sometimes we are just afraid to face them.

    When the craving comes, just let yourself sit there with the emotion. Really feel it without acting upon it and just let it pass through your body. Really deal with the causal emotions for the addiction.

    An example, you said that sometimes you've felt stressed and have turned to PMO instead. What you should do is let your body feel the feeling of being stressed. Just let it simply pass through your body.
    If we truly just all allowed ourselves to honestly feel every single emotion that passes through us at all times, then life would be so much easier, almost a breeze.

    I started doing Emotional Processing since January and my life has dramatically changed. The lust for PMO has gone from my body, because I released different childhood and other emotions surrounding women.

    Now, all I want to do is just have sex with women. The desire to actually watch porn and M is totally gone.
    Andrew1985 and ptcompetitor81 like this.
  5. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

    hey bro, finally I come to your rescue. Do the following things am going to tell you. Am on day 84 and everything is alright. Firstly, I you have a phone, tablet, CD's or a computer containing porn materials, Go to the Galary, delete every porn in there. Whether pictures of boobs, asses, pu*sy pics, girls looking like they are getting honney, girls in bikkini and even girls showing of their sexy body figures. Doing this eliminates triggers. even in your room. Secondly, avoid edging. Keep off videos which make you honey. Do not fantasize. when going to sleep, listen to some music. You will find yourself dozing. Finally, go to your browser and google on "The importance of testerone" which you throw away during PMO. We are throwing away all we need to be as men and women. Make sure you google that. In My 84 days of nofap, I have seen A million positive changes. More focused, more calm, my anxiety went away, I lost fat and trimmed up, I became more confident, I became more musculine than ever, I can now talk to a girl without getting shy or anxious, just but to mention a few. Dont give up. keep going. I have suffered pmo for ovee 5 years. hope this helps you.
    Andrew1985 likes this.
  6. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

    PMO made my beautiful girl to run away from me. I could not even talk to her. I dont know how I felt back then. Since I quited PMO, I realised what was going on. Pmo makes you shy and Emotionally unstable. I wish I could see my girl again. I will give her more than she needs from a boy. But its too late. Am posting this from AFRICA. Am in KENYA IN NAIROBI CITY. HOPE THAT THIS HELPS YOU GUYS AND AS YOU ALL RECOVER, I PRAY THAT YOU WILL SOON FIND PEACE OF MIND AND LIVE HAPPY AND MORE FULLFILLING LIFE'S.
  7. Reco

    Reco Fapstronaut

    Interesting. Tell me more about emotional processing. I need some of that. Have you got a link?
  8. If I tell you the person who taught me, it might freak you out. Are you sure you want to know? If so, I can private message you the link.
  9. Reco

    Reco Fapstronaut

    I won't freak out. Yeah send me the link. Thanks.
  10. Andrew1985

    Andrew1985 New Fapstronaut

    I need the link. Can you please share it with me?