Cast a light..

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Psycho96, Apr 19, 2017.

  1. Psycho96

    Psycho96 Guest

    [To whom may concern..
    (@Cole9410 )]
    We created this thread to help each other forming new habits.
    The idea is just like AP for NoFAP.
    Tomorrow will mark day one.
    I Free I and Cole9410 like this.
  2. Cole9410

    Cole9410 Fapstronaut

    Hell yeah dude! Let's do this. I'm really pumped :)
    Here's to our new, more enlightened selves. Here's to us!
    Psycho96 likes this.
  3. Psycho96

    Psycho96 Guest

    Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while,
    Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies.
    Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst,
    Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?
    Let us die young or let us live forever
    We don't have the power, but we never say never
    Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
    The music's for the sad man..
    E. T. likes this.
  4. Cole9410

    Cole9410 Fapstronaut

  5. ⅅⅈⅇ

    ⅅⅈⅇ Guest

  6. Psycho96

    Psycho96 Guest

    Did you listen to this by chance?
    How about the film too?!
    Rhys0 likes this.
  7. Cole9410

    Cole9410 Fapstronaut

    Haven't heard this version. I like it :) Haven't seen the movie either. Heard of it. Is it good?
  8. Psycho96

    Psycho96 Guest

    Oh, it's not good.
    it's great! you should give a shot, dude.
    Cole9410 likes this.
  9. Cole9410

    Cole9410 Fapstronaut

  10. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Good luck to all of you ! :emoji_pray:
    Psycho96 and Cole9410 like this.
  11. Psycho96

    Psycho96 Guest

    Day 1, practiced guitar over 10m in the evening. Do some code for 40m at midnight.
    Day 2, I spent a lot of time practice guitar this day despite of the relapse.
    The coding time wasn't successful. Got distracted too much from messages.
    Day 3, guitar stuff - done.
    coding thing - failed. I read books instead.
    Day 4, guitar stuff - done
    I skip coding routine this night and save it for tomorrow's morning. I'm changing my lifestyle.
    Day 5, accomplished!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2017
    Cole9410 likes this.
  12. Cole9410

    Cole9410 Fapstronaut

    Good job dude!! I had to miss day 1. Too busy. But today I'll be study both languages for a few hours so I'll make up for it :)
  13. Cole9410

    Cole9410 Fapstronaut

    I'll be starting day 1 officially today so I'll try and post by the end of the day.
    Day 1: Planning to spend at least an hour on Korean and around 30 minutes on Japanese. Will report back tonight :)

    Day 1: Ending the day now. Got in around two hours of Korean and alot of random vocab studying with my little notebook where I keep verbs and vocab. No Japanese today. Plan on studying even more Korean tomorrow :)

    Day 2: 2 hours of Korean in the books. Also went on a two and a half mile run. Will study more tonight :) Very Productive day!
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2017
  14. Psycho96

    Psycho96 Guest

    Day 6, I had done a lot of things today.
    practiced guitar as usual, coded for over an hour.

    @Cole9410 , I think it would be better if we post a new response. We don't get the notification of each other when we edit the old one.
    Cole9410 likes this.
  15. Cole9410

    Cole9410 Fapstronaut

    My thoughts exactly bro. Sounds good! I'll start doing that tomorrow
  16. Psycho96

    Psycho96 Guest

    Day 7, my finger move is smooth again.. I can feel the changing due to my routine.
    back to computational physics yesterday, my mind is so slow, I forget all of them.
    But finally I did it, excited.
    Cole9410 likes this.
  17. Cole9410

    Cole9410 Fapstronaut

    Day 3: Felt sickly today. Studied Korean for about an hour in total. Need to rest. Be back on it tomorrow hopefully
    Psycho96 likes this.
  18. Psycho96

    Psycho96 Guest

    Day 8, just only practice a bit in the afternoon. this is not my productive day, too much wasted time
  19. Psycho96

    Psycho96 Guest

    Day 9, it was tough this day. I felt asleep about 2 hours after waking up, which ruined my plan.
    Anyway, I accomplished my tasks.
  20. Psycho96

    Psycho96 Guest

    Day 10, spent a lot of time programming and sufficient time to practice guitar. I'm feeling the heat!