Cold approach in public places success rate

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by nfpexperiment, Feb 8, 2022.

  1. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut


    So I do not approach many female strangers in public places, yes fear holds me back, sometimes I do, but it ends up she rejects me or she already has a husband or boyfriend.
    I know if you do nothing the chance is surely zero. If you do something approaching female strangers in public places, the chance is logically speaking greater than zero.
    I wonder what the succesrate is 1 out of 100 approaches, so 1%, 0.1% ?
    Lets define success as she giving her your number for now.
    Next question is what is the successrate of getting a date ?

    Guess it depends on a lot of factors like, how good you look, your self confidence, your voice, articulate, wealth you have I guess ? Rich guys have higher succesrate than the average joe, women are more likely to give you a chance if they know you are rich.

    Maybe it doesnt matter what the succesrate is, you gotta do something, just experience life.

    Spirituss likes this.
  2. It's about practice. The more you practice approaching women, the more you get good at it. And if you combine approaching women with exercizing, eating healthy and other healthy habits, then it becomes really fulfilling. Because you take care of yourself and at the same time you share that well being to women and people in general.

    It depends. For me it's usually 1 number out of 4 or 5. I also have a very good instagram so it plays a huge impact on my dates. If I get an instagram after approaching a woman on the street, I have a very high chance of seeing her again. Bacause I show some value on social media.

    It's just a matter of practice
  3. A mentor … it’s not mandatory. Far from it. You can take action and question yourself by your own. Of course it’s important to surround yourself with guys who approach women too. And who are in the same process. But a mentor isn’t in your head. In the end you’re the only one capable of seeing what you’re doing wrong. Because the blocks you may have are for the most part internal. Engrained since you’re a child.

    However going for a therapy is has helped me so far.
    But 4 years of practice, i never paid a mentor and I’m happy with my results
    silex_jedi likes this.
  4. SorryWontSayIt

    SorryWontSayIt Fapstronaut

    Well, I feel like everything is getting in place except dating.
    I have my dream job, I just bougth the car I wanted, I got a new appartment, I have a happy relationship with friends and family, my health is good and improving, I exercise, I eat healthy. But dating I am really stuck.

    I know may not start of with the most interesting conversations at the start on tinder. But I really like to know a person if I am going to date them. So me and the girl talked a lot about hiking and working out, since thats a common interest for both of us. Then after some talking, I wanted to add her on snapchat, and ask her out. But then she told me she didnt use it, and asked if I wanted to hangout... and I said yes, but then it all stopped.

    I feel like I am a good person, maybe a little difficult to get to know at the start and difficult to open up before knowing a person. But usually when I am with friends at partys and a new girl joins, she finds me interesting. But usually just want sex. But I want something meaningful :\
  5. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    I think when you start out 1 out of 10 is quite realistic.

    If you connect with her, chances are high she also wants to see you again. I think one of the "biggest mistakes" men make in the beginning is going too fast for the number (sometimes because they feel pressure or uncomfortable in the conversation), before she even has a chance to see if she likes you (and also not enough time to check for yourself: do I really like this girl?).

    If there hasn't been some kind of connection before she gives you your number, chances are high she'll flake.

    Like @WildEntheology already said, I would also get a mentor. Always learn from the experts.

    But in the dating field, finding good mentors is incredibly hard. I honestly think it's one of the industries that is filled with crap advice more than any other field.

    Most just analyze your behavior and tell you what to do and not do, which can cause serious damage. Most of the dating advice out there is build on the nice guy paradigm. It's written for (and mostly by!) guys, who are incredibly afraid of doing something wrong. That's why most give advice like do THIS and NEVER do this. Which in the end, if you consume enough of that shit, makes you a total maniac, who's in his head all the time ...which is the place, where the problem actually started.

    If you get a mentor, be careful to choose somebody who does not only just analyze your behavior, but can see through your patterns. Like when do you close yourself in the conversation, when and why you may get defensive and blocked, so you can't get a connection. This mostly happens because of old wounds or low self-esteem.

    From spending quite a time in this field I can say self-esteem, strong sense of self and self-confidence paired with the skill to totally melt into the moment with a certain girl is literally everything.

    But there aren't many who can show you how to get there. This stuff is so rare in today's men that women don't even expect it from a guy because they may have never experienced it.