David Goggins Pullup Excercise Report

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Nov 25, 2019.

  1. Today I could only do 2 Pullup in a row, I did 27 Pullups spending a very long time in there.

    I wanna see if I can go from 2 pull ups to 20 in a row by doing as many as I can in a day.

    David Goggins did a similar thing when he was training a friend he said your not leaving this gym till you do 100 pullups I think it took somthing like 18hrs. The guy could do like 4-5 at the start though.

    Anyways I think this may help me reach my goal of 20 in a row I don't need any criticism because either way I'm going to try this out and fail if I fail or succeed if I succeed
  2. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    Stick to your plan and you'll end up pretty jacked. Pull-ups are a great upper body builder. Good luck!
  3. About the same again today after talking a days rest in between although I still felt muscle soreness I didn't want to wait another day today I added in falling pull up its where I start from the top and let myself down in a controlled manner after I'm no longer able to continue doing normal pullups
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Great job!

    Earlier this year I started seriously doing pull-ups as exercise. It’s a must do for climbing. I also do hanging exercises where I do several pull-ups then pull up and hang there as long as I can.

    You can do it! Just keep doing it regularly.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. You doing well! Pull ups great exercise, one of my main exercises in last weeks are isometric pull up holds.

    If you get bored with common pull ups maybe you can try horizontal pull ups too.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. doing 6 now comfortably, did 4 sessions altogether, been a bit over a week since i did a session, and now i can do 6 pull ups in a row compared to 3 at the start, i feel stronger and the pull ups are more controlled. definitely needed a break as i kept doing less and losing interest and just felt sore all the time and not able to do more feels like your going backwards, maybe took longer break than needed but im inspired now by my progress to get back at it.

    starting to eat right now too so im expecting good progress again
    Deleted Account likes this.