Day 15 - BrainFog

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by rob percival, Sep 19, 2016.

  1. rob percival

    rob percival Fapstronaut

    Hello guys

    So its day 15 yes i cannot believe i have made it to two weeks :)

    I feel cleaner , a better person a person with self respect. But the major problem due to which i have started noFAP is brainfog. I can not feeling anything i am like a alive dead person. But let me know what i should do i am very upset.
    Awakening123 likes this.
  2. Awakening123

    Awakening123 Fapstronaut

    You are going through flat lining. It can last a few days. No need to worry about anything. ONly thing to be careful is to don't let your brain trick you to fall back in the addiction.
  3. rob percival

    rob percival Fapstronaut

    I have made my mind that i wont go back to that filthy process again. Please tell me what is flat lining and how to deal with it.
    Awakening123 likes this.
  4. tbird

    tbird Fapstronaut

    I had something similar where my mind was racing but I couldn't focus on anything. It was hard to get things done, but it only lasted a couple days. Flat lining is when urges go away for a while (days or weeks) and it could cause mood swings and low energy as well.
    Awakening123 likes this.
  5. Flatlining can have in my experience:

    * Depression
    * Brain Fog
    * Headaches
    * No or very low energy
    * No Motivation
    * No Urges (thank god for 1 plus point here)
    Awakening123 likes this.
  6. rob percival

    rob percival Fapstronaut

    Please tell me i will become healthy again ? :( I dont want live a life like this
  7. Yes, you will be stronger and more healthy then you can even imagine when you get passed it!!!!!
    Awakening123 likes this.
  8. GoAway

    GoAway Fapstronaut

    No matter what , don't give up and relapse. Keep pushing forward and it will get better in the long run, but you have to accept this uncomfortable feeling at the moment. Otherwise you will end in a never ending circle of not feeling well and relapsing.
    Awakening123 and Light139 like this.