Day 42 Flatline and Expectation Crisis

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by c—-, Dec 8, 2021.

  1. c—-

    c—- Fapstronaut

    Hi, so I decided to go this way and make a change. I’m currently 42 Days in on Hard Mode (my first streak)

    And I’m not feeling that good honestly, getting out of bed is harsh.

    I started doing Calisthenics we have this cool Calisthenics Park very close to me I went there twice yesterday but I’m still kind of weak (I’m doing good with push ups and dips but I can’t do many pull ups.. but it’s getting better I think)

    I always wanted to do Calisthenics but I never had the power to actually go work out consistently but that’s changing now I hope.

    I will never go back to PMO (There’s literally nothing to gain from it)

    And there’s a LOT to gain from doing hard things in life (I think our mind tends to get used to patterns right?

    Like for example if you’re always giving up on things it tends to show up in every single aspect of your life I feel

    That’s why I always clean dishes immediately instead of telling myself ”I’ll do it later“

    because i feel like if If i already fail at doing these simple tasks it will affect every aspect of my life and anything i do

    Whats your experience? Is it common to be in a flatline around day 40? Around what time did the switch happen to you?

    It’s always the mornings for me too, i never work out in the morning, I do it in the evenings.
    Tuvok likes this.
  2. Keep it up. It's funny, I'm doing the same with the dishes in the kitchen!
    Also, like you, I started with calisthenics, and yes, pull ups are hard!! I use a band wrapped around the bars as an aide because I want to maintain full range of motion just like the experts tell us.
    Everything is the mind!
    My quest to control the mind has led me to Zen's the closest thing I can find to what I have always perceived the world to be, namely something quite larger than what we perceive with our ordinary senses.
    I know everybody has to find whatever works for them...but harnessing the mind is key.
    The fucking thoughts that continually dart in and out are the problem for me. So I have become quite meditative in my approach to life.
    c—- likes this.
  3. c—-

    c—- Fapstronaut

    Hey, thank you

    I just bought one of these gummy’s you mentioned, that‘s a great idea.

    I REALLY want to be able to do some muscle ups one day (I really look up to people that can pull them off with ease)

    Best wishes to you and your your journey my friend!

    what a time to be alive haha