Deep depression (need help!)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Peculiarfapper, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Peculiarfapper

    Peculiarfapper Fapstronaut

    I'm on day 55 of nofap. Lately I've been very unmotivated, irritable, and antisocial. Like hanging out with friends don't feel fun anymore. I no longer enjoy art or music. Some days I feel emotionally numb and some days I have outbursts. My libido has been mostly dead. I have a hard time concentrating and I can't think clearly like I used to. I struggle to find my words during a conversation and it makes me look stupid. I used to LOVE researching now I just go home lay down and occasionally listen to music. I don't know what I want to do I had dreams of becoming an artist but it seems none of these things are interesting me anymore. Why am I going through this on nofap. Is this normal on nofap???? I am 16 years old.
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Fourtyeight like this.
  2. Varthix

    Varthix Fapstronaut

    This is part of the withdrawls. Around 4-8 weeks your brain knows that it isn't getting its daily dopamine intake because you aren't letting it. The output is obviously what you're feeling. Just know that these emotions are temporary and change is coming. You're not gonna be like this forever. Your brain is just adjusting and rewiring like everyone else. Dude you're 16!! You got your whole life ahead of you. You can also say that hormones can be affecting your mood, this could be adding more depression into your life because of that. All these symptoms are so common around this time of the process. If you want to speed up the healing process, you could try to run or workout but I know how it feels to have it no motivation so if you can that benefits a whole lot.
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Fourtyeight like this.
  3. silenteagle

    silenteagle Fapstronaut

    Hey! This means that your reboot process is working! Why don't u try exercising to divert from negativity?
  4. Peculiarfapper

    Peculiarfapper Fapstronaut

    I try but I just don't have the energy to do anything really. Do you think I'll gain back my passion for art, music and researching? Also, do wet dreams set you back?
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Fourtyeight like this.
  5. HH69

    HH69 Fapstronaut

    I can't speak about your passion for art but I will say a bit on the dreams. For me I had them 3-4 nights a week. Vivid, clear and messy. I though it was a relapse but it's not. You can't control your dreams, it's normal part of rebooting. Some people have them some don't.. The next day was difficult for me due to the chaser effect but just keep that in mind and stay strong it will get better. Your also 16 so they are more normal around then even without PMO.
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Fourtyeight like this.
  6. These are the withdrawals. They will not last forever. Just go through them and you will win the right to live the life you wanna have.
    But remember these are temporary things, just go through them !
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  7. It might be some deeper problems surfacing. Your PMO addiction might have been your way of covering up and dulling your emotions. Now as you start to get a good streak your old problems might have surfaced again. It is also completely normal to feel like this during reboot. I am feeling like this at least once a day.
  8. SavageDeathclaw

    SavageDeathclaw Fapstronaut

    that is normal bro, you are in the flatline which is a withdrawl. You need to overcome this depression and make sure you continue to study, read and workout like normal. If you fall out of routine you will be much more likely to relapse but if you stick to it you will get dopamine from healthy sources.
  9. Rule

    Rule Fapstronaut

    Hmm, im in a similar situation, please with rebooting is it normal to experience semen discharge after urine ... and insomnia
  10. Pyara31

    Pyara31 Fapstronaut

    Its all part of the process buddy. I am 17 years old and i had the same problem like yourself i was unsure of my future. like what i would do after high school (My passion is literature by the way, speaking, writing, reading english i love it) its not my regional language but still i love it. At that time i used to mastubate and watched porn. But since i have started nofap it seems like i have full control of my mind. what i want to do is fully clear to me now. Your goal will become clearer too just stay on this path. everybody experiences the differences sooner or later and you will too i promise you that. Dont worry too much about the future, things will eventually go your way if you keep taking the right steps in your life. Much power to you brother :)