Does MO without P work?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Always Vigilant, Jun 27, 2023.

  1. Always Vigilant

    Always Vigilant Fapstronaut

    Does MO without P work? What is your opinion based on your experience. It would help a lot hearing from more experienced Fapstronauts since I have been thinking about changing from no pmo to just mo.

    Thanks for the help
  2. It works for me. MO is not a hyper stimulus, obviously too much is not good but the real brain changer is porn. I have felt huge healing happen by just cutting out porn. When the strong urges to use porn come and you really think you may act out, MO is a good way to move past that and the counter can keep on ticking which is a lot more motivating than resetting it every time, physiologically that makes a huge difference. There are obvious advantages to not masturbating but right now detaching from porn is most important.
  3. fauxfun999

    fauxfun999 Fapstronaut

    An occasional MO would be OK, but beware of doing MO while visualising porn in your mind. It is almost the same of watching porn in that case. So be very careful.

    MO will in many cases lead directly to porn again, the brain is very good at trying to convince us to do something to get it's huge dopamine flood again.

    Cheers for now.
    Don80 and Always Vigilant like this.
  4. Always Vigilant

    Always Vigilant Fapstronaut

    How did you feel when you just cut P out in the beggining? For the moment I feel a lot better than usually. When I relapsed to P I usually felt like shit but just MO is not that bad. I did feel a lot better when I was on no PMO, kinda like in a constant state of high but it also made the urges a lot stronger.
  5. I was actually surprised how much better I felt when I just cut out the Porn. My memory started improving, my overall happiness went way up and my interest in girls definitely increased. After MO I feel a bit tired for a day or two but there was no guild or negative mental feelings about it. It made me see the difference between the two and where all the shame actually comes from. Unfortunately for me I am not clear enough with myself about allowing masturbation without any porn. I'm still slipping from time to time and immediately life starts to feel dull, even though my exposure time is less that a quarter of what it used to be.

    Basically if you are going to try this, you need to be clear about it in your mind that you are allowing masturbation. My mind tricks me by playing with the idea of retaining because I am still wanting the cool benefits that come from that. This causes me to stress and I slip and do the whole PMO cycle. I know this only happens because I am not clear with myself about it. Absolutely no porn, no pictures on any social media, no stories, no erotic art, nothing. In my longest streaks without porn I noticed that masturbating became way more enjoyable on its own. It became more about myself and being free rather that just tugging away while I'm searching for images. I became very sensitive down there. Was nice!

    For some people the long way is the fast way.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2023
    Always Vigilant likes this.
  6. Always Vigilant

    Always Vigilant Fapstronaut

    I do. Will be hitting the gym and going for a run afterwards
  7. Nice, helps to release some of that energy.
    Always Vigilant likes this.
  8. AngelLightAdi

    AngelLightAdi Fapstronaut

    MO is very bad . Whether with P or without P .
  9. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    I would definitely advise against it. You're still playing games with your reproductive system, it's a slippery slope back to porn, and you're going to find yourself masturbating to random women like a pervert. Not to mention the whole semen retention thing...
    Don80 likes this.
  10. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    For me it didn't work. It only leads me to PMO. I lose all the benefits of a streak, whereas depression and anxiety are rampant again.
  11. I’d avoid it. It wipes my energy if I do. That I know. It’s different for everyone but me personally, I like to run totally gassed up with a full tank as tempting as it is to blow off the steam a little bit.
    Always Vigilant likes this.
  12. LiberateMe

    LiberateMe Fapstronaut

    Yep porn is what pushes me to edge and then look at more porn and then edge more and then waste the entire day, night, or execute sexually compulsive behavior that I am not proud of.
  13. LiberateMe

    LiberateMe Fapstronaut

    But to be fair, it's really dependent on the person. A certain level of masturbation can be healthy but you can't obsess about it and you must resist the temptation for porn. Porn is really the multiplier here.
    SoBeOne likes this.
  14. I try not to do this anymore. If Im edging to porn I just get it over with and keep my exposure time low.
  15. StevenR

    StevenR Fapstronaut

    It works but I couldn't do that until I took a break from PMO for a while.
    Always Vigilant likes this.