Does Sexting Count?


I am in a relationship and have just started rebooting. Once in a blue moon, my GF and I do sext, and I was wondering - do people count this as relapsing? Say, if she instigates it and I comply, is this a relapse? For reference, I'm abstaining from PM and not O, so do people regard this as PM? Thanks!
Absolutely PM. Who initiates isn't the issue, it is the act itself. If you are going through a MO experience due to an image, it doesn't matter who/what the image is. You are creating a release that is completely self-made...true connection and recovery comes from human to human experience, not human to screen.
I am in a relationship and have just started rebooting. Once in a blue moon, my GF and I do sext, and I was wondering - do people count this as relapsing? Say, if she instigates it and I comply, is this a relapse? For reference, I'm abstaining from PM and not O, so do people regard this as PM? Thanks!

Is “sexting” text only or is it pictures as well? (I’m gonna hijack this thread a little) I have some graphics of my SO hidden somewhere. My personal goal is this: 1. To never watch P again and 2. To keep all my sexual energy inside the relationship. So if I watch these pics of my SO (without M-ing), which one is it???

(BTW the pictures are ligit and approved by SO).
They have the same effect as porn. You will experience arousal via pixels (or words) from someone not present. You need to "reboot" from these behaviours. You also need to "rewire" your responses to real life interactions with your partner. :)
How do I rewire my responses to real life interactions with my partner???
Is “sexting” text only or is it pictures as well?
I'm talking mainly about pictures.
I have some graphics of my SO hidden somewhere. My personal goal is this: 1. To never watch P again and 2. To keep all my sexual energy inside the relationship. So if I watch these pics of my SO (without M-ing), which one is it???
This is the same thing that I'm wondering. The main reason why I don't want to watch P again is because I felt it was somewhat unfaithful, and as of right now, I don't count pics of my SO as P. She sends them a lot and a) I don't want to ask her to stop and b) I find nothing wrong with looking at the photos. I suppose it depends what you want to get out of NoFap - if you're trying to keep all of your sexual energy inside the relationship (same as me) then I think there's nothing wrong with it. But it's all subjective I guess haha.
They have the same effect as porn. You will experience arousal via pixels (or words) from someone not present. You need to "reboot" from these behaviours. You also need to "rewire" your responses to real life interactions with your partner. :)
Thank you for your response and I do agree with this, but sexting has always made us closer sexually in real life and it feels like a healthy part of our relationship. Like I said before, I think it probably depends on what our end goal is with NoFap.
Thank you for your response and I do agree with this, but sexting has always made us closer sexually in real life and it feels like a healthy part of our relationship. Like I said before, I think it probably depends on what our end goal is with NoFap.
Each person here can chose to set their own goals or boundaries. Just be crystal clear that erotic sexting or even explicit pictures from your partner will release dopamine and will not reinforce rewiring between you and her. It is up to you man.
Hey i want to jump this subject
I got sexting and also webcamsex with my gf, does it's acount realapse? I dont know right now if its good thing to do, we both horny as a rabbit, now beacuse the coronavirus, we cannot meeting now until this is past(i hope so).

I would like to hear opinion people with the same situation like me pls.tnx(the reason is u must be in my shoes to get it).
Fapping to any artificial stimulation = relapse

Look at it this way, if its not in real life then a high chance its a relapse.
Hey i want to jump this subject
I got sexting and also webcamsex with my gf, does it's acount realapse? I dont know right now if its good thing to do, we both horny as a rabbit, now beacuse the coronavirus, we cannot meeting now until this is past(i hope so).

I would like to hear opinion people with the same situation like me pls.tnx(the reason is u must be in my shoes to get it).

How can a fapstronaut expect to complete a reboot

if they are edging all the time?

But here's my real question,

this is what I can't understand

which is why a guy would want to do a streak

or reboot

if he has a gf?


Didn't the guy accomplish enough with his life

since he already has the woman of his dreams?

Didn't he earn her hand because of his hard work?

If he reached that point,

what's with the self improvement jive talk?

Does Bill Gates get up in the morning and

watch Dave Ramsey videos?

I think not.

See the imbalance?

Either you are good enough to have a gf,

or you aren't.

If you aren't happy with your life,

why take a hostage?
This is my gf, we dont see each others, and yes i dont go watch p or sexweb, only here.
I tried to do my best,i tried to avoid this i hope she understand.
I dident think for a sec its fab.
And yes my strike is goin on i dont give a sh**(23 oct).

Sorry bro i dient get your analysis, some of them yes..,
Simply, Yes!!! You have to stay away from all those things which is responsible for erection! You can't be succeed until you leave sexting!