Dont enjoy stuff i used to enjoy

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by KariusD, Feb 13, 2018.

  1. KariusD

    KariusD Fapstronaut

    Hello guys!
    So since i started i dont enjoy other stuff like gaming or watching tv
    You can say its good but i dont think so cause im not addicted to gaming or tv
    Doing it for fun when i have time
    you think its because i stopped the pmo?It will fade?
    HopeThisWorks111 likes this.
  2. I think maybe you might want to find a new activity that you enjoy that fills up your time! Maybe meditation, exercise, studies, etc! :) Good luck! It should go away btw as far as I've heard! It's only a withdrawal symptom!
  3. Hufflekid

    Hufflekid Fapstronaut

    Maybe your brain made an association with gaming or TV because it gave you a similar effect to masturbating. Entertainment usually seeks to spike your dopamine, just like porn will.
  4. I agree
  5. You dont enjoy it because you dont have your dopamine dose. I had the same when I stopped smoking marihuana. Nothing was enjoyable anymore. It will pass.