Exploring the unknown of abstinence... for now.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by aManaPlanJapanPajamas, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. aManaPlanJapanPajamas

    aManaPlanJapanPajamas Fapstronaut

    Hi... I'm a busy college student with alot of stress. I relieve that stress sometimes by looking in the garbage for love. It's what many millenials like myself do once they experience the lies and deceipt that we begin to realize are an inevitable part of living in the cess pool of Earth.
    I was strictly/radically religious... now I'm not. I was an innocent child, and now I am free....

    But am I? I'd like to explore this by trying abstinence out. Am I truly free from addiction? Is it really an addiction... let's find out. I'll post about how I'm feeling at this point, though It might become pointless if I stop trying. Message me.
  2. smithb3

    smithb3 Fapstronaut

    You're not alone. This addiction gives way to incessant drifting and stifles us from really knowing who we are and what we are truly capable of doing.

    Way to go for signing on board and joining us on this journey! Feel free to PM anytime man. Using this site and community will help get you to your goals. I believe it, and I believe that you can do it.

    Stay strong my friend!

  3. aManaPlanJapanPajamas

    aManaPlanJapanPajamas Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro. I'm glad to see someone has it in their heart to help me out. I think since I was a child I've forgotten how to be an American. I might be some young guy, but I realize that simply calling myself an American doesn't make me one. I think it requires something better than words and ideas. There's no flag I fly under except those that enable me to live my dreams... and if the American flag does that, then I can pledge allegience... if not, well, then I won't tear it down just yet. I love my homeland.

    There's my radical side breaking through again... oh dear.

    Back to the subject though...
    I think the best thing about living in Utah is that there are no strip clubs ANYWHERE. (or else I've never heard of any).
    The worst thing is that you don't have anyone to hang around with on Sundays. ;)

    Any advice from NY?