Femdom Ballbusting Porn


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Hey yall just wondering if any of you guys can relate , been on nofap for a year iv been free of masterbation for a a year , still edge how ever getting over that , I delted all my porn and went a month with no porn , it was very liberating however I eneded up downloading some of the videos again

I feel like i need the porn to remind what womens nature really is , I grew with a narrasisitc mother , like most guys into this fetish , I watched too much disney and put women on a pedestal so for a long time I could't speak back to my mom I was guilt tripped by her and also my mind was convinced women are all saints , that could do no wrong had other intrests before theirs always

then boom saw ballbusting porn and it helped me see that women could be insecure bullys just like men , so it broke the spell society and her put on me

also i reazied im a very selfless person , In my higher version id destory my ego and connect go god fuck eveything and everybody else but this same trait on a lower level manifests as im gonna serve this women fuck my body and everyone and everything else
maybe this will help others but im at a point where even though i know i know better now some part of me still feels fear that if i get rid of this porn il be subject to the same treatment and this porn somehow helps soothe me like watching it is cathartic sometimes its the only thing that can help me relax to sleep which is the only time iwatch it now , I dont jerk off it it i only watch it but its still harmful
but also life would have so much less shame and guilt and low vibes without it
can anyone relate ? aha
Anyways what im gonna do is put my stash instead of delteting it on an ecryped folder on a hard drive , i went 1 month , im try to go 7 months next without looking at it and erase it from my mind instead othe files , hopefully wheni look at it again in 7 months my dopamine receptsors will be normal and i wont need it ,
Okay...so there's a lot here, lol! I also grew up with a mother who was emotionally and verbally abusive. The rest of our family walked on eggshells CONSTANTLY in fear of upsetting her over some tiny thing. That, along with some other abuse got me into a very specific type of porn that I could never get enough of.

First off (this may sound harsh, but it's only my opinion) if you're edging, you're masturbating, period. That's why it's PMO, porn, masturbation, and orgasm. If you start masturbating, but don't orgasm, whether you come close to orgasm is completely irrelevant.....you masturbated, period.

Second, if you're trying to quit porn, why in the world would you ever keep any in your possession, encrypted or not? Why would you bother encrypting it anyway? The only reason I can think of that someone would encrypt their porn is to hide it from other people.

Saying that you need porn to remind you of a woman's true nature is garbage, my friend. That's just a way people try to trick themselves into thinking that watching poen is okay. Its not. Ever. ESPECIALLY for an addict. Also, NO WOMAN in porn ever shows her true nature. That's a woman being paid to appear a certain way to anyone who sees it, nothing more. If you think that is a woman's true nature, you don't know much at all about the real world...which may or may not be your fault, but you'd be looking at the world only the way the porn industry wants you to see it.
f you want to know the true nature of a woman, look up videos of EX-PORN stars who speak out against porn. Look up empowering women sites that help women who are oppressed. Or, you could just ask a woman what makes her tick? What are her reasons for getting up and living life each day? There are SOOOO many better ways to learn about the true nature of a woman. Watching porn to do so is just about the stupidest way to go about doing that. You'll never learn anything useful or productive by watching porn.

Again, just my opinions. Good luck!
I went through a ball busting fetish phase and the worst part for me was I was actually paying escorts and living out those fantasies in real life, recreating scenes and videos I'd see online. It's a tough addiction to break because it's very psychological.

If you need advice about getting past this feel free to message me. This is one of the most destructive fetishes/addictions to have.. both physically, for obvious reasons but also mentally.

Also I understand what you mean by putting it on some encrypted file and not looking at it, you have a connection to it and it comforts you to know it's there still. Go ahead and do that, but don't have the intention to look at it again in 7 months, just go everyday not looking at it, and then it'll come to a point where you have no desire to look at it and that's when you can fully delete it without looking again.
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