Finally faced the truth...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by raikeia, Mar 21, 2019.

  1. raikeia

    raikeia Fapstronaut

    I wasn't looking to stop but the NoFap site and its sensible explanation of porn addiction hit home. I'm 64 so have seen the transition from prince to internet. Knowing that others are working at this is a relief. If I can quit alcohol (5 yrs. sober) I think I can work with this.
    I'll be interested to hear other's journeys and share may own.
  2. Baerle

    Baerle Fapstronaut

    Welcome and congratulations on 5 years of sobriety. That's a huge success and shows how strong you can be! :) I recommend reading stuff on this site and gathering knowledge about that poison called pmo :)
  3. Judas Johnson

    Judas Johnson Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on the sobriety!!
    There's so much to be learned from this site, it has a huge amount of support.
    Good luck on your journey
  4. raikeia

    raikeia Fapstronaut

    Thanks! Almost three days in and I feel... different. Maybe clearer in the head? Is that a thing?
    Baerle likes this.
  5. raikeia

    raikeia Fapstronaut

    Thanks! So far so good. I was surprised to notice how many times my brain put PMO in my awareness in the past couple days. Thankfully I could re-direct my thoughts.
  6. Voyager52

    Voyager52 Fapstronaut

    Good to see someone elese of an age who suffers this... I only really saw this as addiction too late to save my marriage, began trying to deal with it on my own... failed, and the impact on my ability to be a good partner continued... to beat this, you have to see it first, as addiction, then it has to be shared and I should have opened up to the one I love but couldn't, due to shame and all that... Fact is we all need support through this... Trying to stop after so long is VERY difficult and with age adding to loneliness ... Keep it up! We can do this.
  7. raikeia

    raikeia Fapstronaut

    Hey voyager. Our ages may be problematic... longer porn exposure, decreased penile sensitivity lead to increased stimulation need, not sure what else.
    Sorry to hear that your marriage suffered. And you're right, the addiction model is appropriate to porn; it delivers the neurotransmitters you brain want, quickly.
    I never thought I could quit booze but after five years it no longer is a problem. I figure since porn isn't quite so ubiquitous it may be similarly doable.

    More later