First Time Joining an Online Community

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Steady, Jul 22, 2020.

  1. Steady

    Steady Fapstronaut

    Hello! This is my first time participating in an online community, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to do so. Here's some information about myself:

    I most struggle with feelings of loneliness. After graduating from a college in the U.S. two years ago, I moved to a non-English speaking country and have never been back. I do not experience a terrible language barrier, but my ability to express myself in the local language is quite limited; I lack the precision in vocabulary I feel is necessary to have a deep conversation about how I'm feeling, for example. So despite being surrounded by the friendliest of people, there is nobody in the vicinity to whom I can really open up.

    I am 24 years old and a virgin. If we were to construct some hierarchy of degree of intimacy, I would not have experience with even the first level. You would be hard pressed to find more of a virgin than me. Notwithstanding frequent bouts of loneliness, anxiety, and feelings of hopelessness, I have been stagnant on this front.

    I can identify many other sources of distress, but my isolation and virginity are the largest two.

    Now, to get to the point, I often masturbate to mitigate painful feelings. The most troubling consequence of this for me is my reflexive and near-constant projection of sexual fantasies onto the women I meet. On an ethical level, this makes me tend to view them as if they were fancy appliances purposed to elicit sexual pleasure, an outlook which makes me hate myself when I recognize it. On a practical level, I believe that humans empathically pick up on things in their interactions with each other, that many of the women I meet in daily life pick up on my dehumanizing sexual desire directed towards them, and that as a result of this my relationships with these women are damaged. A downward spiral follows in which I experience more painful feelings, masturbate, and exacerbate the said unhealthy dynamic in my relationship with women, ad nauseam.

    I am setting a goal for 90 days PMO starting at the time of this post, around midnight July 22nd-23rd. I hope to develop a community here on which I can fall back when the painful feelings I've been masturbating away come unmitigated. I appreciate any and all support.
  2. John Call

    John Call Fapstronaut

    Stay strong my friend, this community is the most beneficial thing I've discovered in my life (and I'm not exaggerating when I'm saying in my life), stick here and we are all help to each other, i only joined 10 days ago.
    Steady and Marshall 5 like this.
  3. Igoumah

    Igoumah Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the community broo,
    Let's start a challenge..
    I just relapsed yesterday after 52 days of nofap
    Steady likes this.
  4. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap!!!
    Steady likes this.
  5. Finnda

    Finnda Fapstronaut

    Welcome and stay strong. We are all in this together.
    Steady likes this.
  6. Steady

    Steady Fapstronaut

    Thank you all. Strange to say, but I'm already feeling stronger from reading your replies. Fight!
    John Call likes this.
  7. Welcome, Steady. You can do this!
    Steady likes this.
  8. KingDidier

    KingDidier Fapstronaut

    Hey buddy,
    I appreciate your story so much. I've had similar feelings/experiences, and just want to support you in your battle! I was feeling shame for a while for being a virgin, but I don't anymore because I know when I conquer my pmo addiction, I'll be free to enter into a beautiful, natural sexual relationship with someone I love and care for. I believe the same will happen for you man because you're clearly smart and intuitive. Don't let shame keep taking you down that path!
    Steady likes this.
  9. Steady

    Steady Fapstronaut

    Thank you, brother!
  10. John Call

    John Call Fapstronaut

    Being together is what makes us stronger, facing that addiction alone was really not working, here we are help to each other.