Forget Sex and Relationships!

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Krillin1993, Apr 17, 2020.

  1. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    There is no pressure during the 90 days of NoFap/NoPMO (Hardmode/Monkmode) than like constantly thinking about the other gender.
    Give up the desire to find the right partner!
    These are useless goals which are not noroushing our souls in the first place!
    Do NOT seek for them! Do NOT crave after flesh like your life depends on it!
    Make a contract for yourself that you will never ever want to have sex with anybody for the rest of your life. (not even with prostitutes!)
    I think your progress in NoFap will gets easier if your mindset changes alittle bit.
    My advice for you all is: Be alone!
    AND you will be free like a bird.
    If you think that you necessarily need a partner to enjoy life and feel happy just because somebody else is besides you holding your hand, then you are still suffering and you will end up never being happy for yourself!
    If you are somebody who is still failing with Nofap over and over again, then you probably should stop thinking about the perfect partner for your life.
    Just dont look up to the other gender like you need them, like a vampire needs blood to survive.
    Not even when you find somebody so attractive.
    Thats why appearance is useless to focus on!
    Beauty can never tell you anything about this person.
    STOP thinking visual all the time!
    I have come acros alot of beautiful woman in my life and those who are beautiful were empty and lost inside and others suffering from old reminiscences for being bullied in school and called them ugly in her childhood and thats why those people keep doing surgeries for having bigger boobs or bigger butts.
    Or do you think that those instagram beauties who show them halfnaked for the public were never vulnerable in life?
    They do show skin because they searching for acceptance and they do suffer alot.
    It is not right to think bad about those woman, who do it.
    Once you have understood what suffering is you will never judge people that fast.
    Alot of people are traumatized from the past me included. This doesn't mean that all people are the same, but more like you will never know a person by looks.
    It is a shady reason to love someone just to enrich yourself or not feeling lonely.
    If you are admiring people too much, you will probably find an excuse to have orgasms, and you will keep on failing and give up the semen retention progress.
    You will always find an excuse for doing alittle bit of edging here and little bit of edging there...NO, Stop it!
    Even if you are end up as a virgin for the rest of your life don't think with that going to a prostitute can give you a long term satisfaction. You have to heal the wounds with your own power.
    Be proud of being a virgin!
    Give up the pressure of having sex someday & don't think ever about this topic again!
    Just clear your mind!
    There is a man in india his name is called Swami Shivananda who is over 120 years old and who is living like a monk at his own house. He never needed sex or masturbation, not even thinking about that he needed ever porn in life, he is eating healthy vegetarian food without oil and sugar( simply plain puristic whole food without any spices) and doing his daily Yoga and Meditation practices on a daily basis. He is saying that he feels fit and happy still in his age group where alot of people died or thinking about death. But he keeps living this way and he had never had sorrows in life.
    He is thankful for the way he is living.
    He is my role model.
    Currently I am reading the book "Fidelity" written by Thich Nhat Hanh.
    This book opened my eyes. I can highly recommand you to read this book.
    It changes alot of things for me and also for those people who feel lonely.
    Everbody should read this book who is on NoFap.
    To end this speech I want to share with you a video from youtube which I find personally really interesting to watch. It is about a buddhist monk who is talking about "sexual desire" and reflects about his old sex relationship with a woman.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2020
  2. Protagonist

    Protagonist Fapstronaut

    Well, the opposite of addiction is connection.
    Humans are social creatures, they desire to bond and have relationships. It is inevitable to have desires to be with people, anyone whether it be your friend, family or someone you like. You can't control how you feel, all you can do is control how you respond to that emotion. You might suppress the emotion or let it gush out into your life.

    It becomes quite difficult when you are alone and have to fight an addiction which the sole reason of your loneliness, so quite often people tend to reach out to others. And obviously there's nothing wrong with that.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
  3. ShyIIock

    ShyIIock Fapstronaut

    Man, this is just wrong... dont tell others what is their final destination and which way they should take. I dont care about living super happy 120 year old life being alone and having no relationship.

    I hate myself for being a virgin and Im fine hating myself for this. This has nothing to do with sex, i could go to a prostitute and "lost" my virginty right? NO! wtf, how does it change the fact, that noone wants to be with me, that noone would willingly spent time with me.

    There is actually a constant pressure on hard mode for me. Every fucking day this nasty void comes to me and screams, that this is all worthless, that i will never find anyone to care for, so why would i try. And I cant deny this - I have never been in relationship, never felt love or genuine human attention. Maybe I will die alone and all the efort will be worthless - there is actually a high chance for that. But maybe NOT. And the vision of having a wife and children, spreading love and taking care for them is keeping me alive.

    I do nofap for female attraction (well I dont believe in such a thing, but Im pretty sure that being free from addicion helps a lot). I normaly dont reply to posts, but I hate when someone is telling others what is the right reason to NoFap. Every person has own why.
    Bohdanbigos and Zeezee like this.
  4. I think during withdrawel it's good to don't think that much about sex and relationships.
    When you finish withdrawel and want to get into a relationship then why not. If you want to stay single why not. Everybody should decide for hinself what he wants.
    Many people think it's terrible if they are not in a relationship. I don't see it like that. Maybe it's because of hollywood movies. What's the problem of being single.
    Enjoy life like it is.
  5. I see it different. You write you hate yourself because of being a virgin.
    First self hate is unhealthy and i don't see a reason for that. It looks like you define your self worth on being in a relationship.
    Be careful with that. You have a high cance to get into a relationship addiction which would be very unhealthy for you.
    If i were you i would work your self worth and self acceptence. Find other things that make you proud of yourself. It's not all about relationships and sex
    No offence, i just want to give you a good advice
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  6. ShyIIock

    ShyIIock Fapstronaut

    Thanks, but my post wasnt crying for help. I read so many posts how doing nofap for girls is wrong. No its not. Your view on a problem as wisdom as you think it is, is yours. People can share opinions and its good. But there is just too much of - doing nofap for girls is bad, you should do it for other things.

    With my comment I only wanted to show my perception. It was not meant to be some self-pity post.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
  7. I think this is a far more healthy philosophy than the ones were sex is always overrated, and people who don't have it are underappreciated. People who depend on their appearance to succeed are attention seekers and can't afford the strenght to confront society and it's current ideals. It's very sad when women feel the need to post explicit photos in order to succeed and be accepted into some group, or when men think about doing penis surgery to attract women and gain their lust. People who resort to prostitution or escortism as a "work" don't have much confidence in their skills and value only their appearance and sex-appeal. There is a documentary detailing the life of an italian male escort who confessed to his therapist his deep hatered for women , and how low he thinks of them. this is truly sad when someone needs to service the group they loath and have little respect for, in order to gain a bit of attention. The response on this thread don't really understand the message you want to give, which is not really "dictating" how others should live, but it's about encouraging those who feel suffocated by the sexualized modern culture to seek freedom and inner peace. Instead of following the herd, many just wish to be left alone and preserve tranquility in their lives.
    There is nothing inheritely wrong about being a virginal male or female, virgin is just a label like many others. I'd just say we are inexperienced in a facultative field, but it's not really necessary or mandatory for all I know. I'd rather spend the rest of my life as a virgin than have experiences I would wish to erase later.
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  8. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    Exactly! You understood me right.
    There is a huge pressure for virgins in this new modern world.
    Alot of people want to experience this feeling of having sexual intimacy and being accepted from other human beings, just because other people experienced it already before us, therefore we put so much pressure into these topics. The society is living a competitive life, sadly.
    Many people depend their mentality and lifestyle how their friends and ancestors lived this way.
    People think to have reached something meaningful when they find a partner, which makes them whole as a person....but you are whole already, which they forget cause they feel lost and they crave for something.
    The main goal can not be finding a partner or having children with them. The main goal should be to feel free for yourself first, to empty the brain from too much overthinking, overexpecting and to release all of our bad habits. Everything else is a coincidence or destiny. Happiness is within us and nobody can take it from us or give us before offering them joy and happiness.
    We wouldn't also jump from the bridge and commit suicide just because others do, isn't it so?
    Even I catch myself alot of times in the situation that I would feel sad if I end up alone for the rest of my life. And of course I felt the pressure like others do. I thought when I see couples walking together hand in hand I had the assumption that they must be happy,.....while I drank my tea alone in a cafe with my smartphone in my hand, hearing love songs and feeling miserable.....and I was wrong all the time.
  9. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    From the book "Fidelity" written by Thich Nhat Hanh
    I higly recommand this book. This book is a gift for the whole NoFap community, for those who feel lonely and for those who want to live a healthy relationship. This is one part of this book.
    Chapter 4:

    EACH OF US HAS A DEEP DESIRE TO know and understand the world and to be known and understood in return. That is a deep natural thirst. But often this thirst causes us to wait for something outside of ourselves. Often, we’ve had no time to understand ourselves before we’ve already found objects for our love. Or, we continue to wait for something that will make us feel fulfilled. This is one reason many of us in industrialized countries are now constantly on our phones or checking our email. All of us feel lonely and empty inside sometimes. When we have these feelings, we try to fill the vacuum by consuming food or alcohol, or by engaging in sexual activity. Yet, even while we are enjoying these things, the empty feeling not only persists but becomes deeper than before.
    We can transform this feeling of loneliness only when we truly understand ourselves and our loved ones. Even if two people have a baby together, they are still separate. Each of us remains in isolation. It’s not by living together, or by having sexual relations, or even by having children together that we can dispel this feeling of isolation. We can only dispel our mutual isolation when we practice mindfulness and are able to truly come home to ourselves and each other.
  10. chris555

    chris555 Fapstronaut

    I personally think both genders have way to many expectations when it comes to love. I think Hollywood is the reason for these unrealistic expectations and I personally feel that's why marriages are less frequent compared to what they used to be.

    Often times a couple would marry to build their life together where now it seems like you need to already have everything figured out to have a chance. I honestly can't stand the crap Hollywood produces when it comes to love I just these storybook endings all these movies end with is not possible for 99% of people out there. When your expectations are that high anything less feels like a failed marriage or relationship which now a days is to easy to end.

    I agree you need to be happy with yourself before you can be happy in any relationship and if you can't do that then you need to work harder so you can be happy. Chasing relationships is not a way to make you happy in my opinion and I learnt that the hard way.
  11. Maxxx

    Maxxx Fapstronaut

    Meglio frequentare le persone per un po ... e di molte capisci che non vale la pena nemmeno andarci a letto..