Gaining weight

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by angelina_, May 4, 2017.

  1. angelina_

    angelina_ Fapstronaut

    This may sound like not a real problem for most but for a skinny person it is really f*cking hard to actually gain weight. So, if anyone has some tips and tricks, I (and maybe a few others) would love to hear them :)
    pavloo91 likes this.
  2. italianbalrog

    italianbalrog New Fapstronaut

    Try to read the book "Starting Strength". In fact, as an ectomorph, I ve found that the real true way to gain weight is by a strength program.
    fapposian and angelina_ like this.
  3. BestDayEver

    BestDayEver Guest

    Adequate protein combined with strength training will build lean body mass. The problem is most people do not eat a lot of protien and there is an odd fear of protien within most diet communities.
  4. angelina_

    angelina_ Fapstronaut

    Thanks to both of you :) I'm a girl so I'm not that sure about the weight lifting, I would love to train more but I'm not goining for a too muscular look
    BestDayEver likes this.
  5. BestDayEver

    BestDayEver Guest

    Girls should absolutely lift weights! Please don't fear the weights or the idea that you will become too muscular. You will get toned, lose body fat, and increase lean body mass. You won't end up looking like a girl version of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    Maybe check out this thread:

    I belong to a weight lighting group on Facebook and I can attest that none of the women look too muscular or less feminine. On the contrary they look amazing.
    Pepper M. likes this.
  6. I promise you that, if you lift weights, you will not "accidently" get too muscular! lol really that is a very big myth about weightlifting. Unfortunately, no one can just add a ton of muscle in a very short time, especially without following a routine and diet intended for gaining weight. Also, weightlifting with a lot of volume tends to leave the body burning calories for a longer period of time than cardio workouts (which tend to burn more calories initially)
    I'd highly recommend tryng it out. It's also amazing for stress relief!
    BestDayEver likes this.
  7. If you do have a fast metabolism, you just need to eat more. The problem ist, that it will probably push you out of your comfort-zone. Look up on how much energy your body needs, then add a few kcal's and train your strengh, few repetitions high weights, if you're looking to add up on muscle you need to look into proteins, your bodyweight/2 = the amount of proteins you need, BUT! look it up, I don't know if that's tre for girls, there are people saying that you need less and others tell you, you need more than that.
    angelina_ likes this.
  8. Oh..And im here listening to hundreds of girls and women crying about how they are fat and want to become skinny :)
  9. Pepper M.

    Pepper M. Fapstronaut

    YES lift weights, girl! My best recommendation is to join a local fitness club with classes to learn from professionals and work out with others. Women don't have the biological ability to put on as much muscle men - just a fact of life. Don't be scared away by the way those bulky physique models look either - that's a whole different thing lol. You will look toned and healthy, not overly muscular, with the proper fitness regimen. Also, the more you exercise, the more hungry you will feel. Exercise ramps up the metabolism.
  10. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Burritos are your friend.
  11. angelina_

    angelina_ Fapstronaut

    Okay so you all convinced me. I'm gonna give it a try :) there is a fitness club in my town with different classes, hopefully they have a fitting one. Thanks to you all :)
    Pepper M. likes this.
  12. Nice! and don't forget to take progress pics for yourself!
    angelina_ likes this.
  13. Faptain_Harris

    Faptain_Harris Fapstronaut

    Yeah that can't happen naturally. I can't confirm the actual number, but girls produce a LOT less testosterone than men so you're not going to end up looking like Conan

    Those women you see in body building type stuff? That's steroids, or some other HGH that evades drug tests.