Getting over a girl!!!!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Smithyyy97, Nov 28, 2018.

  1. Smithyyy97

    Smithyyy97 Fapstronaut

    How the fuck do you get over a girl. It’s been a while but she is always in the back of my mind. I try to forget about her but she still lingers in my head. Need tips?
    paologabbers and Flying_solo! like this.
  2. lolos

    lolos Fapstronaut

    You need an abundance mentality. Go talk to other girls and you will get over her.
  3. nickskingg

    nickskingg New Fapstronaut

    One of two things can happen. You get over her or you don't. Now decide. If you want to do NoFap and be successful at it, then you CANNOT be lusting over females at all or you WILL fail.
    Asgardian36 and Smithyyy97 like this.
  4. thekingfisher

    thekingfisher Fapstronaut

    It's not easy but I agree with lolos. Don't compare girls you meet to her because no one will be the same as every person is unique. More tips:

    - make sure her updates on social media aren't visible for you
    - don't initiate a conversation with her
    - remove or throw away all items that remind you of her
    - accept that she won't come back and stop fantasizng about her
  5. Same way you're getting over porn addiction. Humans are biological, chemical, electrical machines and when people are in relationships, especially sexual, there is an actual component of physical addiction in addition to the emotional attachment. You are addicted to her phermones exactly the way a crackhead is addicted to crack. You may not even really love her. You just have to wait until it fades out.
  6. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    What are those?
  7. Went thru the same, lady I wanted to spend a life with broke up with me. Be glad. Because I have a remedy for you :)

    And NO. Abundance is absolutely not a answer. Nor another relationship to cancel the pain. All is BS in my opinion.

    You invest the pain in yourself. Transform it to your growth. Get better. Accept your loneliness, it will make u stronger. Dont run like a pussssssy to new relationship so you are not "lonely" etc. Embrace it. You are basically worthless on the dating market now anyway, because you are needy. So...

    Watch as much videos from this man...

    This vid I link is not specific fpr you, its just so u know where to search for. Look for his vids on how to move on etc. Hes a hidden genius. Best on utube. Plus hes a real deal, you would pay a lot for a lessons of this quality at the head shrinker etc. This is 1000usd worth of advices...


    Beatus and Smithyyy97 like this.
  8. Phermones are the chemicals humans use to become attracted to each other. Thats what people mean when they say 2 people have chemistry.
  9. I dont think chemistry is based on pheromones, you can sense chemistry even when theres a glass in between the both of you. IMO the chemistry is, if - when you see and talk to a person - you feel very atracted. And thats it.
    THEBEATPOLICE likes this.

    THEBEATPOLICE Fapstronaut


    chemistry means there is a connection. pheromones lol
  11. Time heals, but you need to follow the NO CONTACT policy. If you break this rule, you reset the timer back by many many days. Dont make that mistake. I did it once and suffered. Some ppl do this mistake for years. WE MEN CANT DO THAT. Dont listen to nobody, just break the contact, forgot about the friendship with her.

    They say friendship, but woman know shit what friendship means to man. To woman, friendship is something else. Doesnt matter, just break the contact for months.
    paologabbers and Supination like this.
  12. GA93JDeereboy

    GA93JDeereboy Fapstronaut

    Well, I myself had been struggling very very hard until last week someone gave me some advice. I was so hallowed up inside just having issues trying to get over her.
    Basically the advice to me was I could lose what other opportunities with love that could be waiting for me IF I waited and waited on her all wishful under an illusion that it will work out till I'm an old man without nothing to show or I can get over her.

    Basically me, I said, I'll let God take care of it. I don't need to worry. God's plan is always better. If she reaches out to me I'll let her back but it would take some time. But I wont ever get in such an emotional nightmare again.
    If we never speak again, I'll still live her. I do. Even if she hates me I will.
    But like I said I'll let God handle it.

    Smithyyy97 likes this.
  13. _cwhitey_

    _cwhitey_ Fapstronaut

    i mean, if thinking about her is hurting you in a lot of different ways, try to lose contact with her. if you have her on social media, you can remove/block her. it helps honestly. i've done that with a guy a few times.
    but also, sometimes it just takes time to heal. sometimes there's nothing you can do to just FORGET about someone.
    Beatus likes this.
  14. Mmdcroft

    Mmdcroft Fapstronaut

    I recommend you to watch the movie "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind"
    Make sure you will watch it and you will watch it well and pay attention to all the movie scenes
    Maybe you find some answers there
    Beatus likes this.
  15. Find another it may take awhile or you might meet her tomorrow it's all about seeking . I am sure you had a favorite toy as a child say it was a teddy bear you hugged it loved it and though about it constantly but how much do you think about it now ? And once you find a new thing realize that feeling is not forever enjoy the now not the past or the future .
  16. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I'm not saying it's good advice, but when I was going through a bad breakup, I got through it by immersing myself in work, going out drinking and hitting on women, and ultimately on getting with other women. Also working out and running. Man, this was a few years ago and when I look back on my life back then it was a mess! I am at a point where I am past it now and can laugh. It also made me a stronger person. I learned not to base my worth as a person on women.
    GA93JDeereboy likes this.
  17. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Take it one day at a time and keep yourself busy. There's life after a bad breakup, even though at the moment it doesn't feel that way.
    Beatus and GA93JDeereboy like this.
  18. hantyumi

    hantyumi Fapstronaut

    The problem is that we look to the girl that has the key for opening our hearts, the key for let our feelings raise and so on.... fact is, you have to find the key by your own, without the help of another girl. People enter relationships for so many wrong reasons nowaday. You have to be able to open your heart by loving yourself first. Wishing you all the best!
  19. GA93JDeereboy

    GA93JDeereboy Fapstronaut

    It's so nice to read some uplifting and so true comments from you guys. Lately I well, I texted, I'm in a complicated situation everyone. I texted a friend about it and she gave me some advice. She knows about it and she basically told me we're not right for eachother. It is true. I though am letting go of it now again which is good because that feeling inside all wanting and feelings for her was making me sick. And she doesn't feel the same for me. I don't want to say this to make her look bad at all. But she is a Narcissist. Reason I am saying that is because she has many traits that indicate she has that personality disorder. I don't feel I should be mad at her because of some of the things she has done. She has this and hating on her is not the solution. I still love her but I'm not all crazy about her and stuff. Basically this is what I am thinking and maybe you can share your thoughts on this.

    So I'm just going to leave this on the back burner and if she does happen to reach out to me, I will open up to her. But I won't get attached. Is that ok?
    So this issue is done but I have other issues, PMO ing and something else. It's not good. I need to get myself back on track again. I was much happier and
    getting alot done.
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