Habits of a 1000 days NoFapper

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Sanguinario, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. Sanguinario

    Sanguinario Fapstronaut


    Q: How do you take your mind off the time

    A: I read a LOT of books. I started to read a book or so every single day to keep my mind off of other shit. at one point I was reading about 700 pages every day.

    Does this reading all the time work for anyone? If I do this, I eventually burn out and risk relapse.
  2. MellowSchizo

    MellowSchizo Guest

    It really depends on the person. If you enjoy reading, then it would be a good investment of your time instead of worrying about relapse and porn.

    Find whatever works for you. What do you enjoy doing? What do you want to do with your time and life? Figure that out, and focus all your efforts upon them. You'll find yourself thinking less and less about PMO.

    I wish you luck on your streak, and welcome to the NoFap community Sanguinario!
    Sanguinario likes this.
  3. createsmyownluck

    createsmyownluck Fapstronaut

    Something I have just started is trying a success journal. I jot down what I want to get done at the start of each day and comment on how things went at the end. If you want to read 5 chapters of a book then you could do that and note whether you got to it or not right before you go to sleep. Its a tried and true method to making your days busy and constructive (leaving little time to think about PMO) once you make a habit of it.
    Sanguinario likes this.
  4. Sanguinario

    Sanguinario Fapstronaut

    I do want to read. I need to, in order to become a successful academic. But what if reading deprives me of sensuality? Live imagery in movies are excellent but they are not as wholesome and as worth my time as books. Although, I may feel the need for the former. Could it be just a spurious need for stimulation. It seems eminently likely that these justification for porn are merely rationalizations. But the need for sensuality appears legitimate and seeing live persons interacting on screen may be a better remedy than reading non-fiction or even fiction.

    The work journal idea is great. I'll try setting daily goals again.

    You guys have been great. One attends to my interests and the other to my discipline.
  5. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    Yes. For good readers it will work. Same with me. Whenever I feel like I will get turned on to something I quickly change my thoughts. I spent most of my time reading