Habits of a growing christian

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by DR.LOThbrok, May 18, 2018.

  1. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    This post is how i am going to improve my life to glorify God more. It is to be held accountable even tho no one sees it,becoz I posted it so that I can improve while giving and taking insight from other fapstronouts. I'll work on developing one tough habit for 21 days and move on to the next.

    1.wake up at 5am..why?!
    a) Life waits for no one,if you start your day before the sunrise you're telling yourself that this is your life and you're gonna live in,not being in a comatose state.
    b)God told the people of Israel to wake up early to collect manna ,becoz the sunlight melts it away, so get up before the sun and read yr bible.
    c)preparing for work life,currently a fresh grad,real job won't start so soon but need to prepare fr that day.

    Associated habits linked to waking up early.
    a)running-physical health
    How?prepare night before(clothes shoes bottle)
    b)praying, meditating-mental and spiritual health (prepare night before bible verses,and prayer requests)

    1.have a stimulus free bed environment (no exciting thoughts, no phone using phone in bed)

    2.have a bedtime routine(sleep early ,since I have symptoms of early insomnia(trouble initiating sleep more than 30 minutes,so I plan to be in bed for 5 to 7 hours..plan the day before.what time to wake,what am I going to do.. etc..

    3.place alarm far so you get up and off that alarm,don't to back to sleep.(think of the bed as yr best friend at night,but a demon who chains you up it you let if in the morn.

    Anyone want to join me this 21 days
    Last edited: May 19, 2018
  2. Great to see your ambition! Jesus is a mysterious person, sometimes he does wonders in peoples life and sometimes he seems to be absent. But glorifying him is of course a good idea since that is the least you can do for someone who created you.

    Stay strong!
    DR.LOThbrok likes this.
  3. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Day 1 success
    Woke up at 5 am today, did what i set out to do,feeling accomplised. Never despise small beginnings, small increments always lead to bigger ones, if you sow consistently. So instead of focusing on my big goal of 21 day habits(now it seems that to develop a habit u need 66 days),im going to take it easy and go at my own pace, from a day 1 challenge to 3,5,7,10,14,18, and 21.
    Jeremy_Jr. and SwedishViking like this.
  4. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Day2 kinda success

    I did wake up at 5, but with the snooze alarm( need to get rid of snooze), first thing I did was prayed and read a devotion, felt extremely lacking sleep from the day before, starting to regret starting this challenge but I'm going to continue just becoz I have too.

    I didn't really feel today's success becoz after my devotion I slept again (awake for almost 45 minutes)and woke up at 10.30.

    Meanwhile my urges are getting stronger, coz I'm on a day7 pmo free challenge. Kept telling myself to be contented with what God has already given me in my relationship with my gf which is
    a)someone to talk to,share,be close
    b)to prepare for marriage,which includes our thoughts,finances, and purity.
    c)to learn to give love more,instead of receiving only.

    And what I don't have ,I surrender to God.
    a)the right to think of her lustfully
    b)to touch her the wrg way.
    c)any sexual intimacy,(including fantasies)
    d)sexual conversation which triggers ungodly thoughts.

    I learnt that without a strong WHY, I tend to lose focus.

    So my new goal is to wake up at 5am, and stay awake for 3 hrs minimum.

    Plan each activity for the 3 hrs, the day before. Stick to it...
    Jeremy_Jr. likes this.
  5. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Day3 success
    So I woke up at 5 am..

    The day before I made a to do list
    d)listen to a sermon
    e)read a book
    f)keep awake for 3 hrs

    And a not to do list
    b)social media

    Did it,feeling good, moving yr body does great things. Do it more.
    Jeremy_Jr. likes this.
  6. John Lee Smith

    John Lee Smith Fapstronaut

    Add religious audio books
    DR.LOThbrok likes this.
  7. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Day 4
    Woke up at 5am,prayed but slept back again,becoz I couldn't sleep the night before ,only got 3 hrs in. I know that's not an excuse. So I'll protect my first 3 hrs of the day,and my last 1hr.

    First 3 hrs
    b)morning walk
    c)journal,most important task(MIT)
    d)coffee,cold shower,grooming
    e)do mit

    Not to do list

    Last 1 hr todo
    a)Cold shower
    b)read bible,pray
    c)deep breathing

    Not tido
    a)use phone
    c ) games
    d) insta
    Jeremy_Jr. likes this.
  8. Jeremy_Jr.

    Jeremy_Jr. Fapstronaut

    Congrats bro for your commitment on doing this! This is really something you can do if you want to change some habbits in your Life. It will take time bro and I know there will be struggles as you're experiencing but just keep going and do what must be done! Keep it up bro! May God continue to empower you to accomplish all these things! I'll include you in my prayers. Take care!
  9. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the encouragement man, the waking up is easy, the staying up has been a challenge. Any tips?
    Jeremy_Jr. likes this.
  10. Jeremy_Jr.

    Jeremy_Jr. Fapstronaut

    Maybe you can do a couple of workout exercise to make your body active and awake, after that you can do your devotions. Do you drink coffee?
    DR.LOThbrok likes this.
  11. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Yea,been doing that, but to run in the morning is a drag,haha. So I walk. Yea I do drink coffee.
    Jeremy_Jr. likes this.
  12. Jeremy_Jr.

    Jeremy_Jr. Fapstronaut

    Yep! mostly that's what keeps me awake when I need too.. although too much running will make you tired so walk and a little run is better. Coffee works for me too..black coffee :) I think you can really stay awake if you have enough 7-8 hrs sleep a day, again its a habit and its really going to be dragging if you don't have enough energy to keep you up. So you should address sleeping time first.
  13. John Lee Smith

    John Lee Smith Fapstronaut

    Just opinion.
    Don’t make it too hard for yourself.
    Just learn to live without porn.
    That’s it
    You don’t need so many rituals to compensate for porn.
    Jeremy_Jr. likes this.
  14. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    True man, this was to just get up early and stay up early tho. As for pmo, I am willing to give it up.

    Waking up early is a challenge, especially if you hv insomnia, so I guess I'll make it easier ,instead of 5 am ill wake up before the sunrise,that will be a much easier goal.
    Jeremy_Jr. likes this.
  15. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Failed on day 5.
    Need to adjust the goal, to fit my life. Due to insomnia attacks , couldn't keep with up with 5am or even 7 am.

    New habit try to deal with insomnia first, using proper sleep hygiene,then if I feel well rested I'll start again to wake up before the sun rises.
    Jeremy_Jr. likes this.
  16. Trevorphilipz

    Trevorphilipz Fapstronaut

    Excellent post, I have found that the Lord has helped me with my pmo weaknesses possibly more than I realize. He can help any who call on Him, He is stronger than our adversaries, bigger than our battles and can give us the strength to fight back. Waking up early to exercise is a good call and what I have been doing lately. Mostly because at the time of this posting, it is late May and it gets HOT here during the day, even the night! Getting exercise in before the sun heats things up is important, otherwise it isn't safe to do it. Reading the bible is another thing that has helped me shoo urges away and find what I think to be some sort of refreshment.
    Hitto and Jeremy_Jr. like this.
  17. Jeremy_Jr.

    Jeremy_Jr. Fapstronaut

    You can do this bro! never give up on trying to improve your life! God bless! May his favor and grace be upon you!
  18. Trevorphilipz

    Trevorphilipz Fapstronaut

    If you want to quit pmo and leave it in the past, you have to really WANT it. You have to turn away from pmo and focus your attention elsewhere not looking back. Hope this helps, bro. God Bless!
  19. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Yes bro, very true. Thanks man
    Trevorphilipz likes this.
  20. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Hey man thanks hows yr daily goals coming?